Part 9

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A couple weeks had passed. Y/n had two weeks left before she could play again. The Karasuno team was leaving today for the Training camp. Y/n decided to go even though she was injured just to be there for the team. She assumed she could help Kiyoko with Manager duties and things. Keishin was going on this trip, Y/n was nervous about that because she knew he would be the overprotective brother he is.

"I'm excited for this Training camp!" Y/n said excitedly

"You're injured, remember?" Kei asked confused

"So! I still get to go, and I also get to see my Nekoma friends!" She smiled

"You know people at Nekoma?" Yamaguchi asked

"Of course! I used to go with the volleyball team to all their games and training camps, I got permission because my grandpa was the coach and he was good at getting me excused days off for volleyball stuff" she laughed

"Let's get on the bus!" Daichi said and everyone did as they were told

Kei took Y/n's crutches, shocking her like he usually does.

"Hey what are you doing!" She said surprised

"Helping you on the bus" he said as he picked her up

"Kei!" She whined stretching out his name "you need to stop doing this stuff"

"Stop helping my girlfriend because she's injured?" He cocked an eyebrow "I think not"

"Hmph" she pouted "I can do things on my own ya know? I may be injured but I'm not helpless"

"But I like to help you" he whispered so non of his teammates would make a comment on him being nice, but he failed

"So Mr. salty can be nice to people?" Kagayama teased earning an eye roll from Tsukishima

"He's only nice to me" Y/n piped in sticking her tongue out teasingly, slightly turning to face Kagayama

"She's right" Yamaguchi said in a slightly depressed voice

"Awe yams" she said feeling sad for the guy

"Well, I'm nice to Tadashi to but that's about it" Tsukishima replied

After that they got on the bus, Y/n beside Kei and Tadashi in the single seat beside them. Y/n ended up falling asleep on Kei's shoulder listening to music like always. They arrived at the training camp and when they got off the bus they were met with Nekoma. The boys had their stand off thing while Y/n was back with Keishin and Takeda. When Y/n arrived and saw Nekoma, she spotted the two boys she had become friends with before. She quickened her pace and when to see them.

"Kuroo! Kenma!" She said spotting her two friends

"Oh dear, what did Y/n do this time" Kuroo teased going to hug the girl. Kenma behind him on his video game, like always.

"Well, I was kinda scoring a point." She laughed "well helping at least, we went against Aobajohsai in a practice match and they sent the ball to one of our setters who was in at the time" she said pointing at Kagayama "not knowing I could set, and so I set the ball to our captain and fell on my ankle weird. I can't play for six weeks, but I only have two left!"

Tsukishima saw her talking to Kuroo. He got a little jealous, she was talking to him and smiling and laughing. He went over and kissed her temple showing that she was his.

"Hey, we gotta go put our stuff in our room, ok?" He said taking her bag making the Crutches easier to use.

"Ok, see you guys later!" She said as she turned to leave. "What was the kiss for?" She smiled

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now