Part 3

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It was the second day of school and y/n was sitting at her desk reading the book she had brought from home when she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was a tall brunette male with green eyes.

"Hey, y/n is it?" The brunette asked as he got a nod in response "why are you on the boys volleyball team? Are you some kind of hoe or something trying to get with all the boys?" He smirked

"No, I just played to rough to play with the girls, so I play with the guys" the small girl responded knowing this often led to her getting bullied

"Sure it is, I know exactly why you're on the boys team" he winked at her

"Seriously, why does no one ever believe me when I tell them the truth" she said obviously irritated at the comment the boy made

"Because you're the only girl on the boys volleyball team, come on you have to have some reason behind it for wanting to be on the guys team"

"I'm sorry, do you have a problem with peanut here being on the boys volleyball team?" Y/n felt the presence of the tall blond behind her she looked behind her to see him pushing his glasses up

"N-no, I just-" the brunette said obviously terrified of the blonds hight and stature

"That's what I thought" the blond said sitting down in his seat beside the h/c haired girl

"Thanks" the girl said quietly but loud enough to where the blond could hear

"I may mess with you, but I'm the only one that is aloud to" he said not even looking at the girl "no one messes with my teammates, only me"

The girl sat in shock but also confusingly comforted by the blonds words. She now knew she had someone to protect her from bullies even though he himself bullied her, but honestly she didn't mind when he did it because she knew in the end that he would stand up for her if it were to be someone else who bullied her . As the teacher started the lesson there was a small smile on the h/c haired girl and little did she know the blond beside her also had a small smile.

~ Lunch time ~

Two first years known as Yamaguchi and Y/n were excitedly skipping to the staircase that led to the roof of the school with a tall blond behind them with his headphones on ignoring the pair. Yamaguchi had asked Y/n if she wanted to eat lunch with him and Tsukishima on the roof to which y/n excepted gratefully being she had no one else to eat with. The blond rolled his eyes at the sight of the two first years, one being is best friend and the other being the annoying peanut he had met only yesterday, skipping down the hall linked at the arms. It was quite a sight being Yamaguchi was 5'10" and Y/n being only 5'4" it was almost as if Yamaguchi was dragging Y/n along and she was just happily going with it, he honestly found it quite funny. Once they reached the roof the three opened their lunches and began eating and chatting, well more like Yamaguchi and y/n talked while Tsukishima listened to music and ignored the two of them while eating his lunch.

"Y/n have you ever had a boyfriend?" Yamaguchi asked suddenly surprising the girl and she almost had water coming from her nose as she had just gone for a drink.

"N-No, Keishin was always overprotective of me sense we don't live with our parents. When I'd have a guy over that I liked he'd always scare them off" the h/c haired girl said nervously laughing and looking around.

"Wow your that pretty and you've never had a boyfriend?" Yamaguchi complimented

"Nope" the girl laughed "what about you, Yamaguchi, have you had a girlfriend?" The girl smirked

"No, I haven't. I'm to shy to talk to girls" he laughed nervously

"You're talking to me just fine though" the girl said confused and what the boy meant "I am a girl ya know"

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now