Part 11

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Y/n woke up still in Kei's arms, she smiled. She liked waking up beside him, she hoped she could do it more in the future. She moved her head to look up at him, he didn't have his glasses, and he didn't have his normal salty expression on his face. He looked even more cute then normal. She didn't want to move because 1) she didn't want to wake him up and 2) she was warm and comfortable. So instead she snuggled into him more, he unconsciously wrapped his arm tighter around her, making it near impossible for her to get up now even if she wanted to. As she laid on his chest her head went up and down with every breath he took. He shifted slightly and his eyes slowly opened and with the arm that wasn't around Y/n he reached for his glasses to put them on.

"Good morning" y/n said as she smiled into his chest

"Morning, didn't know you where up" he tightened his grip on her again "I like this"
(I know I've made Tsuki out of character but I feel like he would be with his partner)

"Me too" y/n said hugging him

"But I'm hungry" he chuckled "let's go get some food" he said before getting up and then picking Y/n up. He forgot she was wearing one of his shirts, well it was more like a dress on her, which he found funny but also cute.

"Hey what's so funny?" She said wrapping her arms around his neck

"My shirt, on you it's like a dress" he said laughing

"It's comfy though"

"I bet it is"

Kei took her downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed two bowls, a box of cereal, and the milk. He fixed both of them breakfast and gave y/n hers.

"Who ya texting?" He asked before taking a spoon full of cereal in his mouth

"Keishin" she said returning to her phone "it's about my grandpa, he's getting discharged right now and he'll come get me around twelve"

"Ok" he said slightly disappointed that his time with her would be up soon for the day

"Oh, thanks for breakfast" she said seeing the bowl of cereal in front of her

"You just noticed?" He chuckled

"Yeah, sorry I was more worried about my grandfather's health then breakfast" she said sarcastically making him laugh. Kei pulled out his phone because he heard it ding.

Message from:
Click to read

Hey, I was just wondering
if you and Y/n would like
to come over to work on
the work we were given
for during the training
camp. I've looked at it
and I don't understand
it, especially the math.

Sure, I'll see what Y/n
wants to do though, her
brother is coming to get
her at twelve so I'm not
sure she'll be coming
unless she asks him

Ok! Just let me know
when you guys figure it
out! See ya later

"Who are you texting?" She mocked "is your side hoe?"

"Huh?" He said confused "it was Tadashi"

"Ah, so it was your side hoe"

"I have no side hoes"

"I don't believe you, you made me sad, only a kiss will make me happy again" she said turning her face from him. He stood up and went over to her grabbed her chin and kissed her, it was quite a long one to be honest.

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now