Part 17

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"Do you want to go back?" Kei asked Y/n as they were walking around the park they used to play at

"Not really. you see how they are, I never do anything good enough for them" she sighed

"Wanna stay over at my place?" He asked "I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind and your brother wouldn't mind either after we explained why"

"That sounds nice" she smiled "I'd love to go to your house, where your parents love me like a daughter, unlike my own" she said and pulled her phone out to text Keishin.

Little Sis 👧🏻
Hey, I'm going to Kei's tonight.
I can't deal with them anymore.
Love you ❤️

Bro dad🤪
It's alright, I understand.
Have a good night, love
you too ❤️
Read 8:36pm

"She's staying at her boyfriends tonight" keishin said "you guys are always beating her down, why?"

"Because she needs to do better" their father said "that Tsukishima boy was totally out of line"

"Do better how? She does the best she can and more. She just want you to praise for once, to love her. And I agreed with everything he said" he shook his head "get out of my house"

"Keishin" his mother whined "sweetheart, you didn't mean that"

"I did" he shot "I'm sick and tired of you guys treating your own daughter, my sister, like absolute shit when she's done so much more then I ever did. I was a complete screw up, and yet I get praised for little things I do and she gets none? When she was literally Top Junior Female Ace of all of Japan, what did I do? I didn't do shit. My grades were horrible, I didn't care about school at all, all I cared about was Volleyball, oh yeah and my sister which you failed to do. If Gramps only knew how you treated his little princess, yes his little princess, that's what he calls her, he'd be furious. Maybe I should tell him how his own son is treating his own daughter" he gritted his teeth "now get out, both of you" he said and shoved them out and slammed the door.

He called his grandparents and asked if he could come over, it was time they knew how Y/n was actually treated. So that's what he did, he went over and told them about how his parents basically ignored her and how everything she did was criticized by them. The older male was furious, just as Keishin expected. His grandmother was as well.

"Where is she now? Is she ok?" the older Ukai asked

"She's with one of the boys on the team, her boyfriend. The tall blond kid, with glasses" Keishin said "she'll be perfectly fine there. His parents treat her as their own, and she's very much loved in that house."

"As long as my little princess is safe and in a happy place" his grandfather said "I can't believe I raised that man" he said through gritted teeth

~ back with Tsukishima and Y/n ~

"Thank you so much for having me" Y/n said "I hope I'm not too much of a bother"

"Oh no sweetheart, your not a bother at all!" Kei's mother said "you're just like a daughter to me and my husband! And maybe you actually will be some day" she winked at her son

"Mom!" Kei said

"What, you don't want to marry her?" his mom said

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now