Part 16

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Tsukishima took a deep breath and let it out while standing in front of Y/n's bedroom door at her house. He knocked.

"Go away Keishin" she said mumbled by the door. But he knocked again "Keishin, I said go away" he knocked once again. There was sounds of movement in her room. The door swung open "Keishin-" she froze. She wasn't expecting Kei instead of Keishin "you can go away too" she said and tried to shut the door, but was stopped by Tsukishima's foot.

"I'm sorry" he said, he couldn't even look her in the eye he was so nervous "I don't know what I was thinking. You accepted me even though I'm a complete asshole. I lived up to that yesterday, when I broke up with you, that was me being a complete asshole to you. Yesterday, I lied to you, I still love you so much, my stupid brain was just overthinking and wondering why you, the perfect girl, would love an asshole like me. I understand if you never want to see me again, and I'll abide by that, I'll quit the team if you want me to. But I just wanted you to know that I fucked up yesterday. I let the best thing in my life go and I'll never forgive myself for that. So this is the last thing that I'll say to you: I love you" he looked at her with tears in his eyes, they were just begging for forgiveness. He turned to leave but Y/n grabbed his wrist. She pulled him into a hug.

"I forgive you, people make mistakes" she mumbled into his shirt "can I have my boyfriend back now?"

"Why do you forgive me so easily?" He asked "this is the second time you've just forgiven me and ask to go right back to normal."

"Because, when your like me and you were never shown love by people you love most. When you find someone you love and they love you back, when they mess up, you don't care about what they did, unless it's unforgivable" she chuckled "but you don't care what they did, you just forgive them because you want to let them know they're loved and so they don't have to feel the same pain you did"

"Is that why you always brush off anything bad people do to you, unless it's unforgivable?" He asked

"Yeah" she sighed "I just want to make sure people know that I love them and make sure no one goes through the pain I did when my parents never showed me love. That's why I forgive so easily, especially with you" she chuckled

"You should probably work on that" he chuckled "you shouldn't forgive that easily. I'm glad you forgave me though, thank you"

"You're welcome" she smiled up to him "You're now my boyfriend again, or else"

"I'd be glad to be your boyfriend again" he smiled. She got up on her tip toes and pecked his lips "what was that?"

"A kiss" she chuckled

"That was not a kiss, that was a peck" he rolled his eyes "this is a kiss" he said before leaning down to kiss her. An actual kiss, not a peck.

"Oh how I missed that" she smiled

"It's been a day"

"You forget? You ignored me for a week!" She said as she slapped his arm

"Oh right, sorry" he said looking away

"The only way to make it up to me is if you change into a dino onesie and come cuddle me" she smiled

"Is that one still here? And you're gonna put one on as well"

"Yes and I was already planning on it" she said running to her closet and grabbing the two items. She ran back and threw Kei's at him "go change" she said before closing the door in his face. He chuckled and went to the bathroom to change.

"I see you two made up" Keishin chuckled after seeing the dinosaur onesie in his hand

"Yeah, thanks for letting me come here to apologize" he said "also, she forgives way to easily"

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now