Part 5

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Authors note: Hey y'all! (I'm from the south so I will always use y'all lol) this chapter will just be a short one. Usually I like to write my chapters around 1800-2000 words sometimes more. Not completely sure how long this one will be sense I haven't written it yet but it will be shorter, probably around 800-1000 words . Keep in mind the word count after the chapter will include this authors note just so I don't have to do the math of how many words are just in the chapter and not in the authors note. Thanks for choosing my story and thanks for reading! 💕

After Y/n arrived home she got some leftovers out of the fridge and warmed and ate them. She did her homework and got a quick shower. As she went to bed all she could think about was that stupid Dinosaur. Why did she kiss him on the cheek? Why after she kissed him on the cheek did she want to kiss his lips? Did she like him? No way! She's only known him for what, a week and a half maybe? But then again you can fall for someone in minutes. But there was no way Ukai y/n liked Tsukishima Kei, he was unkind and... and... handsome... Y/n realized she had started to have feelings for this dumbass. Quickly she denied any type of feelings toward that dinosaur, there was no way she could like him. She eventually fell asleep again denying her feelings for the blond.

~the next day~

Y/n was asked by her teacher to go and get something from the 3rd years area. When she was walking through she ran into a familiar face.

"N/n, is that you?"

"Asahi! Hi!" The short girl said as she ran to hug her best friend who she hadn't seen in forever

"Look at you, all grown up and everything." He said wiping fake tears from his eyes

"I am in high school now"

"I know, that's crazy"

"I have a question for you" y/n said nervously

"What is it" Asahi said equally as nervous, hoping she didn't ask about volleyball

"Why haven't you come to practice in a while?"

Shit he thought why'd she have to ask that? The boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously "I don't know, I just feel like I'm not good enough anymore"

"What? The Ace thinks he's not good enough to play with his team?" The girl said astonished at the boys words "are you crazy?"

"Heh, I guess"

"Come on, come back to practice! We need you! I'm on your team ya know, I need my crazy duo partner back" she said hoping to get him to come back "me, you, Suga, we could do the confusing crazy attack again!"

The boy thought about it. Their crazy attack where Suga would set to y/n but she would send it to Asahi confusing the other team. "I- I don't know y/n" he sighed "I don't think I'm able to. I'll see you around alright?"

"Alright, but you keep in touch with me ok?"

"Oh, here's my new number, I had to change it."

"Thanks, I'll text you after practice ok?"

"Ok" he said as he smiled glad to have his best friend back

"Bye" y/n said returning the smile

Y/n quickly finished her errand and went back to class.

~lunch time~

The three first years sat in silence eating their lunches until one decided to speak up

"So, are you guys excited to go again Aobajohsai?" Yamaguchi asked

"Yeah, I guess" Tsukishima replied with no emotion

"Uh, definitely, I can't wait to kick Oikawa's nonexistent ass" y/n said

"Nonexistent ass?" Yamaguchi questioned

"Don't worry about it." Y/n brushed it off "I swear he is so cocky, I can't wait to beat him!"

"I have no doubt you can peanut, just don't get a big head, remember your pea sized brain will just float around in your head if you get a big head" Tsukishima teased

"Shut it you"

"Oh you're not gonna try and kill me this time?" Tsukishima smirked

"I can if you want me to" she returned  the smirk

"How bout we don't kill each other sense we need everyone for the match against Aobajohsai?" Yamaguchi said

"I can't make any promises" they both said in unison

~ time skip to morning of the Aobajohsai match~

all the team arrived at the school to board the bus to go to Aobajohsai. They all were talking in their normal groups. When everyone was there and ready to go everyone boarded the bus. Y/n sat in a window double seat not caring if someone sat beside her, to her surprise she felt someone sit beside her. She looked to her left and saw a blond haired boy with glasses and headphones on. She turned to look back out the window with a smile as they set off on their trip.

"What ya listen to?" The girl asked wondering

"Here" the boy took his headphones of and put them in the girls head. They were way to big for her head and the boy smiled at how small her head was but he adjusted them so they'd fit her. "Like it?"

"Yeah, it's good" y/n said as she smiled and gave the headphones back to her friend

"I have a headphone splitter, (a headphone splitter makes it where it's possible to plug multiple headphones/earbuds in at once) do you have any headphones or earbuds?"

"Yeah, I do" she said reaching in her backpack to get her earbuds

She plugged her earbuds in and the pair continued to listen to music the whole trip, talking about which ones they liked and which ones where just ok, for once they were able to have a conversation without arguing or teasing each other. The reason they were able to talk without fighting was because they found something they both liked. Music.


Word count: 1006

Again the word count does include the Authors note up there so I think the chapter was around 800-900 words. Thanks for reading and the chapters will be back to their normal length I just wanted to show a little bit of y/n and Asahi's friendship before he rejoined the team. I am following the anime and not the manga because I haven't read it yet (I am currently reading it but I haven't gotten very far). Again thanks for reading!
~ Joanna 💕

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now