Part 12

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"Because they don't love me"


"They don't love me" she repeated

"Could you explain that?" He asked

"I was an accident, my mom had her tubes tied and dad had a vasectomy. I wasn't supposed to happen, but I did. My parents are against abortion and they said they'd feel guilty putting a baby up for adoption when they knew they could take care of it. When I was born they took care of me but only what they needed to do. My brother was the one who played with me, comforted me when I was sad, he was the only one who actually loved me." She'd calmed down now "Keishin was at every game, my grandpa was as well until he got sick, my parents weren't ever there. I wanted so much for them to be impressed with everything I did so I worked hard, that's why I didn't come back to the park, I was working so hard I didn't have time to go out. I felt horrible, and still do, that I never went back to play with you."

"It's ok, I forgive you now that I know why" he brought her into a tight hug "I know you said you weren't supposed to happen, but I'm glad you did"

"I wanna let you know something" she sighed "my brother is the most important person in my life. He's always been there for me. He's more important to me then you are" she chuckled "and you're pretty damn important to me. But I hope you understand that"

"I do, he's been there for you through everything. It's understandable that he's the most important to you. That doesn't mean I won't be a little jealous" he chuckled putting his forehead on hers "I'm glad you shared that with me, thank you"

"Will you explain the thing with your brother now?"

"Sure" he said and then explained the story about how his brother lied to him and everything (I don't feel like writing the whole thing and of your reading this I mean you should know the story, it's in season 2 and that's been out for a while so if you don't know the story watch season 2)

"Thank you for sharing that with me" she smiled

"You shared something personal to me so I shared something personal back" he smiled "let's go do something fun now, get our minds off the hard times we've gone through" she nodded and they went on their way. They ended up going to a small cafe and shared a piece of strawberry shortcake.

"You still like strawberry shortcake that much, huh?" Y/n smiled

"Yep, it always reminded me of the little girl I used to play with that I missed so much"

"Awww do you still miss her" she teased

"Nope, not anymore"

"Huh?" She said shocked

"Because she's right in front of me" he smirked


"Do you still miss that little boy?"

"Nope, cause he's right in front of me" she mocked

"Hey! That was supposed to be nice, idiot"

"It was very cheesy" she said then pecked his lips "but I loved it"

"Good" he smirked

Once they finished their cake they headed back to Keishin's store. Once they got there Kei helped her get her stuff to put in Keishin's car.

"Mhm" Keishin mumbled while on the phone "ok"

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked her brother getting a finger from him telling her to wait a moment

"Ok, I'll be there soon, bye" he then hung up the phone "Gramps is back in the hospital" he bit his lip and shook his head

"What?" She then realized "let me guess, he was working with those kids again and didn't recover fully" Keishin nodded "what are we gonna do with him?"

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now