Part 2

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The bell rang singling that the school day was over. Y/n packed up her things and started heading to the gym to introduce herself to the volleyball club.

"Y/n! Wait for us!" She recognized the voice, not completely sure who it was but turned around to see the familiar face of the green haired freckled boy who she'd met that morning with the sassy blond trailing not to far behind, obviously annoyed at his companion that he had chosen to call to y/n for her to wait for them so they could walk together

"Hey Yamaguchi!" The h/c (hair color) haired girl waved at him with a big smile on her face until she noticed the blonds face "wow, someone's super happy to see me" she said sarcastically directing it towards Tsukishima

"Ah yes, I'm so happy to see you little midget" Tsukishima replied rolling his eyes and saying it with the same amount of sarcasm in his voice

"How sweet! you gave me a nickname!" y/n said making fake heart eyes at the salty boy while he just rolled his eyes dang he really likes rolling his eyes at me Y/n thought

"Shouldn't we head to the gym?" Yamaguchi said nervously as he saw his best friend and new friend arguing and hoped to stop it by saying this

"Yeah, lets hope munchkin over here can keep up" Tsukishima said with a smirk

"Oh you bet I can, the question is can you keep up with me?" She said smirking at the blond, slightly feeling butterflies in her stomach just from looking at him why do I feel like this?? She thought as she stared at the blond waiting for a response

"With your tiny legs, hah, I'll be just fine"

"Y/n, your last name is Ukai right? Like the coach Ukai that was here before?" Yamaguchi said hoping to change the subject off his friends argument

"Yep! That's my grandpa!" She said skipping slightly in front of them

"You're the coach Ukai's granddaughter?" The green haired boy said in awe

"Yeah, I was kinda forced into the sport if we're gonna be honest. I'd honestly rather be home listening to music right now but here I am." She laughed nervously

"Then why do you seem so happy to go to the gym?" Tsukishima asked in an annoyed voice

"Cause! I get to see Daichi, Suga, and Asahi! They were all first years the last year my grandpa was coaching at Karasuno. I'd go with him to practices and got to know them and they're all like big brothers to me" the small first year confessed

"Who are they?" Yamaguchi asked

"Well If I have it correctly, Daichi's the captain, Suga's the vice-captain, and Asahi I believe is the Ace!"

"Wow, didn't know your pea sized brain could hold that much information" Tsukishima teased

"Why you-"


The h/c haired girl turned to see her beloved friends Suga and Daichi. She ran and hugged both third years as they hugged her back.

"Where's Asahi?" The girl asked with a smile

"Well, he uh, hasn't come to practice in a while" the grey haired setter responded rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"Oh..." the girls smile quickly turned into a frown

The blond behind her couldn't help but feel bad for her, he didn't know why he felt for the girl but he did.

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now