Part 13

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"Oi, Mr cutie!" Y/n yelled

"I'm assuming you're talking to me" Tsukishima said

"Why yes I was" she smiled "help please" she said as she tried to reach for something on the top shelf of the club room shelf's

"Ugh, stop being so short" he said going to lift her up

"I'm sorry, I have no control over the growing of myself" she said as she grabbed her book bag from the top shelf

"How'd that even get up there?" He said confused

"I was mad" she pursued her lips "and so I threw it up there"

"And why where you mad?" He sighed

"Because I couldn't jump as high as I used to" she pouted

"Peanut" he said sitting down on the coffee table putting his hands on her waist pulling her to where she was standing between his legs "you know you won't be able to jump as high right after you heal from an injury"

"I know, I just get frustrated when I can't do something like I normally do"

"You'll be back to normal soon, I promise"

"You can't promise that" she narrowed her eyes

"No, I can't, but I can believe it" he chuckled and stood up grabbing her hand and led her to class. They never really held hands around school so him grabbing her hand shocked her. They only really were all couply in the gym or around the volleyball club because they were around friends. They heard whispers as they walked through the halls.

"Isn't that guy that really mean one on the volleyball team?"

"How did he get a girlfriend"

"Is she even in girlfriend? Or is he forcing her to go with him?"

"Hey, don't mind them" Kei said, he could obviously see she was getting mad

"But- didn't you hear them? They were being so rude!" She said

"Guess what?" He said moving in front of her path still holding her hand and grabbing the other "I don't care. They can say whatever they want about me, they don't know me, so why should I let it bother me?"

"I just don't like them talking about you like that" she pouted "you're very nice to me, they don't know what there talking about" he lifted her chin with his hand and kissed her

"Exactly, they don't know, so don't let it bother you" he smiled as she became flustered from the sudden kiss in public. He moved to the side again and continued walking. They continued to hear whispers, but different ones this time.

"Isn't that the girl on the boys volleyball team? She's so weird"

"She's a hoe, she'll go to another one of the volleyball members after he dumps her ugly ass" Kei's hand tightened around hers at that one. He whipped around to where it came from

"Who said that?!" He was pissed "I know you heard me!" He continued to look around, to see if anyone showed signs of guilt, he saw many "you can say shit about me all day but when it comes to my girlfriend I won't hesitate to beat you all the fuck up if one thing is said"

"It was her!" A boy said pointing to a blond girl who looked very guilty and also terrified. Kei glared at her.

"Why did you feel the need to say that?!" He shot

"B-because it's t-true!" She replied

"How would you know? You don't know her" he continued to glare

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now