Part 10

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When the bus pulled to a stop at the school, everyone got off. Y/n stayed by Asahi for a while.

"Hey, you gonna go meet him like you said you would?" Asahi asked

"I don't know" she whispered

"I'll walk you, come on" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her along with him. They got to the door and stopped. Asahi motioned for her to go in.

"I knew she wouldn't come" they heard a voice say as the door opened. They stood and just looked at each other. "You came" Tsukishima said

"Yeah, I said I was going to"

"I'll leave you guys" Asahi said walking away

"Y/n" he took a deep breath "I want to apologize. I shouldn't have said that. You where right, I don't own you, your aloud to talk to anyone you want. I was just jealous, I could tell Kuroo was very flirty, and I didn't want him to flirt with you. I let jealousy take over, I'm sorry. Please forgive me"

They stood in silence for a moment. A tear ran down Tsukishima's face but was whipped off before it reached the bottom of his face

"I forgive you" y/n said hugging him tightly "just don't let your jealousy take over again, ok? I don't want this to happen again"

"Me neither" he sighed "I love you, peanut"

"I love you too, dinosaur"

Hand in hand they walked back to the gym to finish cleaning up. Everyone around them smiled that everything was back to normal.

"Hey, come help me take down the net" Tsukishima said grabbing Y/n's hand and pulling her towards the net

"I'm to short" she whined "and I need to stop walking on my foot" he chuckled and picked her up "hey, what are you doing!"

"I'm picking you up, obviously" he chuckled again "you'll be taller and you're not walking anymore" he said after he picked her up and put her on his shoulders

"You're crazy" she laughed "I'm to heavy to be up here!"

"Nah, you're a peanut" he teased and she laughed and almost fell so he tightened his grip on her legs "you're being clumsy again, babe"

"You called me something other then peanut?" She said resting her chin on his head

"Just trying it out" he chuckled "I think I'll stick to peanut though"

"Why not interchange them?" She smiled

"Ehhh, I don't know" he teased as she took down the last part of the net. He leaned down and helped her off his shoulders.

"Pwease" she begged "I liked the sound of it" she when and hugged him he put his arms around her waist and looked down at her and smiled as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. He leaned down and kissed her

"Mkay" he separated them and walked back to go finish helping. Y/n walked over to the bench to sit down because she had been on her foot for too long.

"Hey, can you find somewhere to stay tonight? Gramps is in the ER right now" Keishin said as he walked up to her.

"Probably, what'd he do This time?"

"He overworked himself practicing with those kids and fainted, they just want to monitor him for the night, they want a family member there and I don't want grandma to have to stay"

"Mkay, I'll find somewhere"

"As much as I don't like it, if you have to, you can stay with your boyfriend" he said reluctantly

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now