Part 18

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~mega time skip to the end of the year because this is the last part for this book ~
(I just finished my bag of baby goldfish and now I'm sad)

Kei and Y/n walk out of the gym after just have watching the graduation of the third years. Y/n crying because her best friend was leaving, even though she had grown slightly away from him, she still considered him her best friend, Asahi.

"Hey, stop crying, it's not the end of the world" Kei said

"Buh Asjdue is lehshng" she cried into his chest (but Asahi is leaving (I think it was obvious but yeah))

"You've still got me" he said

"Your not a big cuddly bear who looks scary" she pouted

"No, but I am your boyfriend"

"But Asahi give the best cuddles and hugs" she continued to pout


"You give me the best kisses"

"I better be the only one giving you kisses" he growled playfully

"I only accept dinosaur kisses, don't worry" she smiled

"Good" he smiled softly and lent down to kiss her "I have something planned for us by the way, after the volleyball lunch thing"

"You do, do you?" She smiled

"I do" he chuckled. He slipped his hand into hers and walked with her to the gym where the group had planned to have lunch

"Y/n and Tsuki!" Hinata said as they walked in

"Don't call me that" Kei responded

"Hi Hinata" y/n smiled

All of the volleyball members are until they were stuffed. Ennoshita's sister Emiko had cooked for them. She was home for a week from America and had offered to cater their lunch (Hello to my Ennoshita x reader readers, best sister Emiko is here).

After their lunch, everyone said their goodbyes and headed home. Y/n and Kei instead went to the park they had first met at all those years ago. They sat at the swings in silence, Y/n still unsure of what was going on, Kei nervous.

"So" Kei started "we've been together for almost a year Huh?"

"Mhm" y/n smiled

"You know I love you right?"

"Yeah" she said, worried what was going to come next "what's going on, your scaring me Kei"

"I just wanted to make sure you knew, I don't always show it out in public, I know I do in private, but I still just wanted to make sure you knew"

"Of course I know, ya big dummy" she smiled standing up and walking over to his swing. She sat down in his lap, facing him, with her legs wrapped around him. "And you know I love you right?"

"Yeah, you show it all the time, peanut" he smiled "I have something for you" he said reaching in his jacket pocket, pulling out a small box "before you make assumptions, no this isn't an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. I bought it a while ago actually, I wanted to give it to you as soon as possible, but never found the right time. I love you peanut and I want to marry you someday. Maybe after college or whatever we both decide to do, I'm gonna marry you. No one can stop me. So Ukai Y/n I'm giving you this promise ring to symbolize my promise to you that I will replace this ring with a wedding ring someday and that I'll always be by your side in whatever you do." He said as he slid the ring on her left hand. She smiled at it.

"I actually have something for you too Kei" she smiled "it seems we had the same idea" she chuckled pulling out a box of similar size to his "I wanna marry you someday as well dinosaur. I love you, I love your family, I love everything about you. You've been there for me, when I had my injury, you made sure I knew I was going to get back to my normal self and when my parents started criticizing my every life decision, you stuck up for me. I can honestly say that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. So when we're both famous pro athletes-"

"When did I say-"

"When we're both famous pro athletes, let's get married" she smiled and put the ring on his finger like he did hers

"What if I don't become a pro athlete?"

"Then I guess we're not getting married"

"I guess I'm becoming a pro athlete" he sighed


Word count: 753

Yeah it's short I'm sorry but this is also the end of the book. I hope you enjoyed and I hope you come back for book 2! I'm not quite sure when book 2 will be started because I want to finish my other books and I also promised my Ennoshita x reader readers that once this book was done I'd start book 2 for that series. But I'd still like to thank each and every one of you for reading my story!

As always

Thanks for reading!
~ Joanna 💕

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