Part 6

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As karasuno arrived at Aobajohsai, Hinata was a nervous wreck, Kagayama was running into old teammates showing them a new side of him and how he had changed by being at karasuno, and Tanaka was being..... well Tanaka.

When they were still on the bus about an hour away from Aobajohsai, Y/n had fallen asleep and her head landed on Tsukishima's shoulder. The blond tensed up for a moment thinking she was making a "move" on him but then realized she was asleep and relaxed. He had changed what they were listening to, to a softer more relaxing music because he didn't want it to wake her. Yamaguchi had seen the pair and took a picture of them. He sent it to Tsukishima and when he looked at it he blushed a little and put his phone up, but not before saving the picture to his phone. Yamaguchi had also send it to y/n but she hadn't seen it obviously because she was asleep.

As they arrived, and Tsukishima gently woke a sleepy y/n. Y/n groaned as she snuggled into his shoulder making his face go red. She realized what she was doing and immediately sat up with an equally red face as Tsukishima.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you" she said rubbing her eyes

"W-Whatever" the blond stuttered. What he wanted to say was "it's fine, you can fall asleep on me anytime, I'd willingly be your pillow" he thought to himself did I really just think that? He mentally freaked out and was confused at what was happening do I like her? He thought to himself
I mean she is pretty cute, and she can make my heart melt with just a smile, maybe I do like her.

"Earth to Dinosaur" Tsukishima's thoughts were interrupted by a small girl waving her hand in his face "are you alive? Or did you die? Your face is red are you sick?"

"Gosh stop asking so many questions and give me a chance to answer them before you move on to the next" he answered with annoyance in his voice gosh she can be so annoying sometimes, but I really think I'm falling for her...

As Tsukishima was thinking about what he was feeling towards y/n, she was thinking about the same thing. When she fell asleep on him, he wasn't rude about it, he let her sleep, and when he woke her up he was gentle, he didn't yell at her to get up. He was being sweet to her today, she was so confused in the sudden change in the boy. She also thought about how he looked when he was listening to music, he looked genuinely happy. He looked cute in his own world listening to music. Even though he teased her, he was also nice to her. She also realized her feelings for the dinosaur that day. She realized she had a message from Yamaguchi on her phone. When she opened it she was met with the picture of her and Tsukishima on the bus, her asleep on his shoulder with him slightly blushing and looking at her. She smiled at the picture and a pink dusting appeared on her cheeks.

"What are you smiling so big at, peanut?" Tsukishima said as he walked over handing her the vest thing (idk what it's called lol)

"Oh, n-nothing." She turned a shade of red and took the item "thanks"

"Welcome" the blond said and turned away before the girl could see he was turning red because he saw the picture on her phone before she could put it away does she feel the same?....there's no way she would, shes her! And I'm....Me. Little did he know she was freaking out hoping he didn't see what was on her phone before she put it away because she too had feelings for him, but didn't want him to know just yet.

The team started stretching and warming up. Kagayama set Y/n up for a set and she slammed it down. Faces of the Aobajohsai boys were in shock.

"Hey, Kagayama?"

"Yeah, Y/n?"

"During the game, could ya set me one that's a little off like you did that one time? Especially if that scum bag Oikawa shows up."

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now