The Ark of Taujeer

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"There's no point in debating this further. Zarkon is clearly tracking us through me." Allura spoke as we all huddled in the control room.
"Why would that be so hard to believe? Zarkon's forces showed up on Arus only after I awoke."
"She's got a point. I would absolutely travel across the galaxy to find you." Lance spoke in a flirty tone as I looked away to my fiancé who was lost in his own thoughts.
"It's not you, Princess Allura. It's me."
A beat of silence before Hunk spoke up voicing my inner thoughts.
"I just think Zarkon must've imprinted on me during our fight or something."
"Look, the fact is, we don't know how Zarkon is tracking us. It could be through the Lions. Every time Zarkon gets close to it, Shiro and Iris have to fight him for control."
"His witch. When ever we get close I'm fighting against the witch." I spoke looking a Pidge who had given her theory.
"That's only when their nearby. No Paladin has ever been able to connect with a lion over a vast distance. Let alone two."
"So what are we going to do?" Hunk asked as I looked back to Shiro.
"Look, it doesn't matter how he's tracking us because we're gonna take the fight to the Galra soon enough. They've been chasing us from galaxy to galaxy. The last thing they expect is for us to come after them." Shiro spoke.
"The hunter becomes the hunted, hmm? Awesome! That's the tag line from like six of my favorite movies."
"As it happens, I took our list of recent Galra attacks and analyzed it for both commonalities and anomalies among the attack sites. I was hoping to create an algorithm that would, within a statistically acceptable margin of error, provide a list of target-rich Galra environments color-coded, of course, because what are we, animals?" Pidge spoke as the planets showed up.
"Cool! What is it again?"
"It's a Galra finder?"
"Well, "finder" suggests that it locates the Galra, whereas it would be more accurate to say that my model predicts their likeliest Fine. It's a Galra finder." Pidge groaned at the others confused look.
"So, where are the Galra?"
"The nearest ones are right here. A planet called Taujeer."
"Then that's where we're headed. Everyone should get some sleep. Tomorrow, we'll find that Galra fleet and take it out." Shiro spoke and I headed out with the others to my room.

I pulled on the white pyjamas and slipped into bed with Sakura nuzzling against my neck.
And with that I dozed off.

"Iris! Iris!" I looked up sleepily to the girl screaming.
"Janice?" The name came as a question probably from my hazy state.
I tried to move my arms but they were stuck at my side and my knees buckled under my body. I couldn't move, I was there kneeling on the floor and watching as my best friend, my sister, plead for her life.
"Janice!" I yelled trying to move my body as the guard gripped my arms tighter.
I screamed out in pain as my arms were slashed and the dark crimson of my blood was pouring out of my arms.

My body felt like it was falling and I was in a room alone. Well not completely alone because Haggar was there in front of me holding my neck tight.
"We'll find you. They'll figure out what you are. How would they react to having a lying bitch like you on the team. Your putting them in danger. Your hurting them."

I woke up a scream stuck in my throat as I gasped holding a hand over my heart.
"Hey Iris can I ask fo-" I looked up to who was speaking as the door opened.
It was just Pidge and I tried to calm my shaking body but to no use, she had noticed.
She approached me slowly but I was already pushing myself up against the wall.
I dug my nails into my arms as I felt tears slid down my cheeks as I watched a bit frightful of the young girl.
"Okay, okay. I'm getting Shiro." She whispered more to her self as she ran out of the room.

I curled in on myself as a little squeak came from my knees. Of course I forget about Sakura.
The altean mouse was nudging my fingers softly while squeaking.
"Iris!" I heard Shiro's voice and I weakly raised my head from my knees to the pair standing in my door way.

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