Stayin Alive

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Me and Aqua were making our way back, me still covered in whatever gunk the thing I fought released.
'I should probably call Allura.' I thought and as if my thoughts were read, I got a call from Allura.

"Iris are you there?"
"Yes, what do you need?"
"You need to come back to the castle, I'm being attacked!"
"On my way." And Allura disappeared, as a wormhole opened and I piloted through.

I exited the other side meeting up with the others, and seeing the monster.
"Whoa! How is that thing operational? It doesn't have a head!" Lance gawked.
"I don't know, but I'm sure it has something to do with those crystals." Pidge spoke as the monster fired at the castle.
"We can't worry about that now. We have to protect the castle."
"How did we beat it last time?" Keith asked over Shiro.
"We formed Voltron, then I stuck in my Bayard and shot it with my blaster right in its arm lasers. But that didn't stop it so then we had to punch it." Hunk spoke and I nodded, that didn't sound right to me.
"So we're gonna need Voltron."
"But we only have three lions."
"Well, maybe we can form the legs and kick it?" Lance suggested and I bit back a groan, as the monsters laser fired at the two planets behind us.
The planets exploded the fire expanding basking me in a orange light and the goop turning more of a green.

"That new laser is much more powerful. We're definitely gonna need all the lions. Hunk and Iris, you distract it so we can fly into the castle. Once we get our lions out, we'll cover you so you can fly Keith in for Red." Shiro spoke as the Blue lion turned towards the castle.
"Wait, wait, wait. I have to hold that thing off by myself?"
"You have me and Keith." I spoke sharply.
"Yeah, but he's in here with me!"
"There's no time to argue. We got to do this now." Shiro called as I watched the monster start to get closer.
"Oh, Quiznak." Hunk muttered.

Both me and Hunk took to firing at the beast as we circled around it, getting no luck as the monster just blocked everything with the crystals.
"Those crystals are blocking all of our attacks!" Hunk complained as the monster fired its laser taking out the castles defences.
"The castle is doomed unless we distract that beast." Hunk spoke piloting straight for the beast, and I followed along like an idiot.
Both of us slammed into the crystals and tumbled around it.
"Good it's chasing us." Keith spoke as I piloted far away from the castle Hunk and the monster following along.

The monster started firing again and I did everything to get away from the lasers. Barrel rolls, nose dives, anything and everything.
"I'll distract it! Go get the Red Lion!" Lance yelled and I smiled seeing the blue lion come into view.
"Great timing Lance." I called as I readied an attack.
Both me and Lance fired distracting it for a split second, but it didn't stop the laser that went past us and hit the yellow lion.
"Guys!" I yelled voice only becoming louder as Lance yelled out as well.

I wanted to help but I couldn't seeing as the monster went to attack me and Lance.
Both of us went back to firing as Pidge joined us.
"I'm getting real sick of that crystal. Let's take it out." Lance called as the three of us piloted right for it while firing.

We collided with the crystals and got thrown backwards as the monster turned towards the castle.
"Shiro, it's on its way to the castle!" Pidge called the black lion turning to look at the monster.
"Got it!" Shiro called as he attacked with his Jaw blade as the three of us started to fire.
"We'll keep the crystals busy. Shiro, you attack from the other side." Pidge called out as Shiro started to charge.
"On my way." Shiro called as he rushed at it as the monster attacked him with a green laser that he dodged.
The monster went right past Shiro and to Hunk.
Us four shot at it from the back as the Red lion came from the castle attacking with its laser.
"Sorry I'm late, guys." Keith spoke.

"Okay, let's form Voltron and take this thing down like we did last time."
"I don't think the Robeast is gonna sit around and wait for us to transform." Keith countered Lance.
"Keith's right. We'll need to think of something else." Shiro called.
"Hey, at least we outnumber those crystal shields."
"Yeah, he can only block two of us." I spoke as we scattered the mister releasing its green laser.
"I think I've got an idea. Guys, see if you can get me an open shot at its chest." Pidge called.

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