---Faux Paradis---

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Clinging tightly to the large creature's back as it strode effortlessly through the frozen forest, you couldn't help but wonder about the Shapeshifter. It...err They, you supposed, had been around for an incredibly long amount of time. According to the creature, long before Subcon Forest's incident, and even further before people even settled down there. Stories of cherry blossoms and lush green stuck in your mind as you looked at the dead and iced over foliage.

Though your 'friend' had also talked about various other places, places you hadn't even known existed on this planet. The desert being one of such places, referred to as Sand and Sails Desert. They had also mentioned deep dark abyss like places, dangerous to any mere mortal, and places only reached through high levels of magic.

It made you a little more grateful that such a seemingly powerful being was on your side. The idea of Shapeshifter actively wanting to hurt someone scared you just a bit.

"You mentioned the circus," You half mumbled, disliking the dead silence you had been greeted with ever since Chester fell asleep, "What's it like?"

"It all depends on how I feel that day," The creature chuckled, "I have many tricks. Many many tricks!"

"I see," You sighed at the lack of a real response, "That doesn't paint a clear picture you know."

"Hm! I guess not. But explaining is hard."

"...Alright then," You awkwardly coughed, "How much further, you think?"

"Hmm, not long! The temperatures are changing very quickly in this direction," Shapeshifter beamed, "Do you know where to go outside of the blizzard?"

"...I don't think I do anymore," You admitted, "Our path was---well misplaced with all this, you know."

"I do! I do know."

"I just...want to get out of here, I think," You mumbled, "Clear my head and go home for a bit."

"Well! With I on your side, you will be out in no time!"

"...Yeah, thanks..." You yawned.

"It is no issue!" Shapeshifter beamed, eyes squinting up in a smile, "It is the least I can do."

"...For what?" You tilted your head in question, "We haven't done anything to help you?"

"...Ah," They paused, quickly picking up their pace just a little quicker, "Do not worry about it, dear."

You let the conversation die off, a strange feeling in your gut from the semi-suspicious and cryptic way your 'friend' talked.


At the rate of everything, you were beginning to have a horrible sinking feeling that Moonjumper was somewhere you couldn't reach. You just hoped he was doing alright.


He said he wasn't going to peek down at the forest again. He said he had seen enough.

...But Moonjumper had always been a curious creature, and his curiosity was only furthered in knowing you were out there. Alone. Possibly in danger.

Locating you this time was a lot more difficult. How had you gotten so far in the forest? ...Were you going to be able to get out?

The last question struck his heart sharply, bringing a painful feeling of guilt to him. The ghost gripped the dense cloud-like substance tightly, thinking of how---

If he had never tried to escape, never bothered you to begin with-

You'd be safe, comfortable at home. You wouldn't be angry, nor sad, nor in danger.

He should've known better than to bother others. Foolish to put himself first like that.

With a shake of his head, Moonjumper continued dusting along the glass-like force field keeping him within the horizon, pausing when spotting movement along the outer edge of the frozen forest. 

It was an odd realization of the being he saw striding through the snow. The  familiarity. It was a He knew that creature. Their name escaped the phantom, but their words and actions still stuck by.

A creature that talked about a paradise between the sky and earth. The one with many faces, many personalities. The one that lied and preyed upon his people every once in a while, way back when.

Moonjumper blinked, spotting you alongside it, the same subconite he had seen with you in its arms.

His fangs barred, fingers digging into his coat in anger. In worry.

What was that thing doing with you? They had no business to be-- anywhere near you, yet alone leading you along through that part of the forest. Was it going to lead you in, to pick you off like a sick rabbit?

The creature--- His mind froze. It felt like a puzzle was completed. How he sent himself here.

A paradise between the sky and the earth.

Them! They had implanted that idea in his mind---  It was their fault. When he tried to get away with his magic from her---

The ghost growled, fangs tearing into his bottom lip from anger. He remembered when he had first come here, when it would scurry around his sections of the forest, picking people off like they were simple cattle. That was when he had first remembered how to manipulate his strings through the forcefield, to chase that horrid little beast away.

He never expected it to come back after this long.

Now it wanted to come back for the only thing he had left? For you?

Moonjumper couldn't take that. He couldn't allow that, he wouldn't---

The ghost flinched at the sound of the barrier cracking. He recognized it. Back then, he thought possibly that he could use his strings to break it to escape, but...they were the only things to make it through. 

Before, he had been too grief stricken to do much. He had sat idly by as they led his people out of the forest, to pick them off. To tell its lies of paradise and its false charms.

Not this time.

This time, he was going to make sure they didn't touch anyone again. Least of all, you.

He'd put their claims of immortality to the test, if need be.


(Angy boy...who would've thought the very nervous shy man would get so angry?

Oh right, me. 😎)

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