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(I'll slow down after this promise, I just don't like cliff hangers and I had the writing bug, AH. See you all....Whenever! Soon, hopefully!)

Your feet moved before your brain could even process what it was you were doing. Next thing you knew, you were knelt ontop of one of Snatcher's minions- a subconite, as you learned they were called- hands keeping their shoulders pinned to the forest floor. Adrenaline was pumping in your ears. You had never been caught before. You had seen these little guys catch people before.

You had caught it just intime, before it's much quicker feet could scurry away from your already mostly tired form.

"Gack! Let go out of me!" The little creature squirmed under you, cloak sliding frantically around in the dirt, "Let go of me! Boss!! Intruder! Intruder in the forest!"

You sighed in relief. Subcon's boss wasn't anywhere close to this area, and the subconite was much smaller than yourself. It looked to be around Hat Kid's height, and most certainly no where near her level of strength. Keeping it from escaping would be easy, but now a new question arose.

...What are you supposed to do now? Letting it go would only let it escape off to Snatcher. But you can't just. Sit here forever. Your eyebrows furrowed at the soft cloth-like fists punching at you wildly, barely making contact every few swings.

"Let me go! Let me go! Boss!! Boss! They're gonna kill me!"

The panic and urgency of the voice got barely louder, causing you to sigh and slowly move to lift the doll-like being up by the back of it's collar, watching it spin in half circles in an attempt to get free of your grasp. The squealing and calling for a boss that wasn't coming was just getting pitiful and annoying at this point. You thought you had an idea of what to do about it, at least.

"Listen," You snapped, gaining complete silence as the glowing yellow portion of the subconite made eye contact with you, "I'm here for something VERY important and I'm not going to let you ruin that, alright?"

"Oh god! I was right! You're gonna kill me and I'm going to become a dweller and get stuck here forever!"

You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose with your free hand, "No. I'm not going to kill you. But you're not going to go spout off to your boss either."

"Oh! Right right! Of course of course! I..I won't! Promise, he won't know! Just--- please don't kill me!" The subconite wrung its hands together, chuckling nervously, "Yo...You can put me down now! No need to be hostile!"

"I don't think so, pal," You grunted, placing the creature on the ground, but keeping your hand firm on the collar of the cloak, "Let's say, you're staying with me until this is over."

"Wh-what?! But I have things to do! Places to scout out! You can't just keep me here!"

"I can, and I will," You spat back. Sure, you did feel  a bit bad for what you were doing as you rummaged through the bag, but...It was most certain the little creature wasn't going to keep his word. They never would.

"Oh and what do you plan to do?" The subconite growled, thrashing around in your grip, "You can't just hold me down all day!"

"You're right," You rolled your eyes, bringing a coil of rope out from your back, "That's why I'm doing this."

"H-Hey! no! Don't you dare!" The creature's pleas fell on def ears as you wrapped a length around its waist, tying one knot, then two...three for good measure, "Hey! I'm like triple your age! You're supposed to respect your elders!"

Satisfied with your work, you held the other end of the rope, watching as the doll-like being began to pace in circles, calling you multiple names and then huffing as it sat down. It was amusing, and a little sad all at the same time. It wasn't like you really wanted to do this, but what other choice was there?

"Look, I'm sorry bud," You chuckled, "But I can't exactly trust anyone here in Subcon. So, you're just going to have to tag along for now."

"I'm not your bud! This isn't fair!"

"Oh I'm aware. However, it's better than me getting killed," You lightly tied the rope to the upper section of a tree before gathering up your gear, "So might as well get used to it."

"Don't you know how to respect your elders at all?"

"You're not one of my elders," You snarked back with a smile, "Also, I thought my elders had to be alive for me to respect 'em."


Unlatching the rope, you began to head north again, lantern held out in one hand, and subconite in the other. Perhaps this could become advantageous to you in the future. That is, if the little guy ever stopped pouting and sassing you.

"It's your fault my boss is going to rip into me later! I had things to do, you know."

"Eh, it's your fault for getting caught."

"You---!! Stop coming up with good responses! You're making me feel like the dumb one here, kid."

"I ain't a kid, nor is that my name," You chuckled, "It's (Y/N). What's your name, bud?"

"I'm not your bud!" He huffed outwardly at you again, "...My name? Geez, no one asks that one anymore..."


"..I'm Chester! Chester Mulligan Campos The Third!"

"...Can I just call you Chester?" 

Placing his hands on his hips and tilting in annoyance, Chester let out a huffy, "I guess."

"Great! Well nice to meet you Chester."

"Hmph. I can't exactly say the same to you, you know. You've kind of forest-napped me here!"

"That's fair I guess," You hummed, keeping a steady pace as you moved.

"Well, you asked me a question, now I get to ask you one!" Chester piped up from behind, scurrying to keep up with your stride, "What are you doing so far in the forest?"

"I'm...Looking for someone," You half mumbled, picking up your own pace a little.

"You mean there's MORE of you pesky intruders?" He huffed, muttering at you to slow down a little.

You didn't.

"I guess you can say that..."

"So you're gonna find them and then...What? Keep me locked up or something? Like the jerk of a kid you are?"

"No, Chester. I'm going to find him, let you go, and then leave," You sighed, "I probably won't come back, since you'll tell Snatcher I was here."

"...Hmph. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. You don't know that yet."

"I have a pretty good feeling you will."


(You have successfully caught a travel partner. insert pokemon victory theme here.

Fun fact unrelated to our little subconite buddy here, I actually have a clown oc named Chester.

Huh! the more you know.)

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