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"My my, I do spy, a spirit truly gone awry," The Shapeshifter hummed, looking through the desolate Horizon as they begun to approach, "Isn't this empty land not your home? What caused you to roam?"

Moonjumper blank once, then twice. Surely this wasn't true, it had to be a dream. Another one  that he had been having ever since this all begun. He would wake up, stuck and desperately alone. His fingers twitched in their same little tick that they always did when he became nervous, watching the large form of the entity slowly approach.

"Ah that is right my dear," "You forgot long ago how to speak, I fear. They told me of such."

Arm outstretched, the phantom slowly let his fingertips brush across the strange, smooth skin of their arm. All too smooth, too free of imperfections. A little slimy if you thought about it too long. Familiar. From centuries past, but still familiar.

At one point he thought rage at the thought of this creature's many faces. Of what appeared to be trickery. 

It had been a misjudgment, hadn't it?

"I know, I know. You still do not trust The Shapeshifter," They hummed softly, many eyes closing, "You see me still as a grifter."

Moonjumper shook his head, wanting to shout a no or explain this wasn't how he felt anymore. But, only a soft sound died off in his throat, hands coming closer to the outstretched paw. Something alive. Something real here. Something different...

"No?" Shapeshifter tilted softly, "I see, I see. Let me drop the charades."

It was difficult to communicate. He hadn't his notepad, or a way to really show what he was thinking. The ghost simply had to hope that the being would understand through the pleading look he was giving.

Please. Get him out of here.

"Alright," They yawned slightly, twitching their strange ears, "Give me a bit...That type of magic takes a lot out of one."

Of course, of course. Moonjumper understood such. Magic was draining. There wasn't a rush here.


You were a little in awe at the display that had occurred. The only remaining thing to prove that Shapeshifter had even been here at all was a soft, multicolored flame sitting perfectly in the middle of the clearing. 

'They need an anchor to the mortal world' rang in your head, causing you to wonder if this small, flickering flame was the Shapeshifter's anchor here. If it went out, would they also be stuck up there?

The thought sent a shiver down your spine.

You'd tuck that worry away, and continue your focus on what mattered.

"Woah! Look at that!" A sudden voice jostled you, sending immediate panic into your gut.

Oh god no. You weren't really going to be caught like this. No way.

A Subconite barreled into the clearing, b-lining towards the rainbow flame at a speed that you had zero clue the little dolls could run at. Humming in thought, the little creature examined it carefully before exclaiming how strange it was.

The fear left your body all at once, causing you to release a breath you hadn't realize you were holding. You knew that subconite.

"Chester," You chuckled, "Didn't think I'd see you again, Mr. Campos."

The subconite spun around on his feet in surprise, quickly clasping his hands in what you assumed was a friendly gesture.

"Kid? Geez, you really are nuts," He snickered, "Showing your face around here again, and getting caught by me! Again!"

You laughed softly, "...I'm just glad it's you."

"Yeah yeah, alright," Chester lifted his arms out, "Reel it in kid."

With a snort, you lifted the doll into your arms, ruffling his hood a little in a friendly gesture. Thank everything that was good that it was just him.

"Y'know! I didn't think I'd say this," the subconite released you, "But I'm happy to see you!"

"Yeah?" You teased, "Missing the forestnapper?"

"Don't push it, kid."

With a laugh from the two of you, Chester shuffled slightly, motioning towards the colorful flame in the center of the clearing.

"I don't imagine you have anything to do with this, do you?"

"It's Shapeshifter," You explained, "I...I think they made it up to the Horizon to help Moon."

"Oh no way," The subconite beamed, "Finally getting this all over with, huh?"

"...I hope so."

"I guess you won't ever come back after all this, huh?"

A sadness clung in the air at the idea. Subcon was the place you had always come to before. To look upon the lush purples, flowers, and stars. But now, it was holding a very uncomfortable feeling to it. A danger.

The idea of never seeing the few friends you managed to make here...Mixed with the fear of being caught and killed for good this time.

You weren't sure.

"...I don't know," You quietly admitted, "I really don't."

"Eh, no hard feelings if you leave for good," Chester's voice hinted a sadness you hadn't heard, "Infact good on you for not getting stuck here, huh?"

"I wouldn't forget about you or Shapeshifter," You chuckled, "It'd be too hard to do that after all this."

"Yeah it'd be pretty hard to forget getting dragged around."

Your head tilted back, gazing over the twinkling lights in the sky. 

What were they doing now? Were they going to come back soon? Was Moon still angry with them?


Was he upset with you?

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