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Absolutely nothing in this book was helpful. Cooking Cat grumbled slightly, looking over every word, every page...Nothing. No mention of a 'Horizon', or even of Moonjumper's disappearance. She should've figured as much. Snatcher was a selfish ghost, why would he care of another's disappearance? Especially enough to actually make a note of such. 

"Well kid," She sighed sadly, "What now?"

"Hmm," Hat Kid hummed, "I don't know, sorry!"

Sounded about right. She shouldn't put so much pressure on a child anyways, it wasn't her fault all this was happening. Still, (Y/N) was out here in the forest. It was high time to find them and bring them home before anything worse could happen. All of them could...figure something else out about Moonjumper's situation. Surely there had to be something she could do to help.

With a sigh, the feline tapped the hatted child on the shoulder, motioning for  them to move on.

"We should get goin' before (Y/N) gets more lost," CC smiled sadly, "We can figure this all out later."

"Yeah! We don't want them getting torn up by spiders,  now do we?"


Moonjumper felt conflicted. So conflicted. From all the times he had seen the creature known as The Shapeshifter in the past,  they had been a tricky, all too serious charmer with a violent history. But now, they had seemed like someone entirely new. Calm, friendly, with a demeanor that exuded something had infact changed from the centuries that had passed.

They seemed almost genuine in their actions now, as he watched the creature twirl and run circles around you, chattering about the various people they have met over the course of their long life. The phantom expected them to omit their past almost entirely, and while they clearly left out their violent history to you, they were still stating mostly the truth. At least, of their time in Subcon.

He could not vouch for the rest.

Sighing, Moonjumper's guilt only built up further, taking in the wounds he had given to the creature as they led you further towards the entrance of the forest. You were right, Shapeshifter was simply helping you. Of course you were right.

How could he have doubted you?


She was right after all. He was an emotional driven wreck. 

All of this was his own fault.


Trekking along the forest with Shapeshifter, you were beginning to notice some of the knife marks you had made on the trees much earlier. Finally, you were back on track. For a moment you considered letting the creature know you knew how to get out now, incase they wanted to leave...

But after all  the things that happened, the extra company and protection was a little more welcome than it had been at first. You were also still a bit worried of the horrid wounds that adorned them currently. You wanted to try and persuade them into getting help from Cooking Cat, just--- As an apology for Moon's actions.

Moon...What had gotten into that strange ghost? What was Shapeshifter's apparent deal with him?

You were unfortunately used to mystery. Moonjumper was rather closed off, and it seemed your new...friend... was a little odd about the way they spoke.

You might never figure this one out. Perhaps you weren't supposed to.

"Do try and keep up, dear!" Shapeshifter's multi-toned voice called out, motioning for you to pick up your pace a tad, "You're lagging behind!"

"Yeah kid," Chester snickered from their shoulder, "I thought I was the one who always got left behind."

You smiled slightly, speeding up into a slight  jog to keep the pace. Despite the awful situation, you had to admit you were becoming quite fond of the two. If this had been under different circumstances, you'd have been much happier in meeting them both.

For now, at least, you had two very helpful allies in all of this. Lord knows what you would've done without them. Clearing your head, you felt exhaustion hit your legs again, cringing slightly.

"Ugh," You mumbled, "I'll never walk this much ever again."

"Do you need help?" Shapeshifter glanced back, a noticeable limp in their own leg.

"No...No I don't I'm fine," You were stubborn, and relying on the creature anymore than needed was just...unnecessary.

A sound in the distance caught your trio's attention. It sounded like a shout. Then another. And another.

It clicked in your mind.

"(Y/N)?  (Y/N)! Where are ya?" It was CC's voice!

Raising your own, you called out, "I'm over here!"

Soon, the orange figure came into view, eyes widening at the sight of your guide. Following alongside CC with a bit of a bounce in her step was Hat Kid, making you a little relieved that the feline hadn't decided to come alone. Though the very blue outfit choice made you a little confused. Why was she dressed up like  that?

"Ah! No need to fear," Shapeshifter coo'd, leaning down as the pair approached, "I'm merely helping them out here!"

"I-I uh...see dear," The orange cat cringed a little at their voice, offering a nervous smile, "Th...Thanks for that."

"CC! I'm so glad to see you," You smiled, "I...I think I know where Moonjumper is."

"You do?" You frowned at her hopeful tone.



(We do be...finding our friends in the forest tho.)

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