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"Y'all can't be serious!" CC snapped, gripping your shoulder with an intensity that you were a little fearful of her claws ripping into your shoulder, "You are NOT going back in there! Not when he knows you were there before!"

"I'm dead serious," You picked the feline's paw from your shoulder, "You can come with us, or stay here."

Her ears went back, bright yellow eyes staring a hole into you for a moment. You almost felt guilty for the tone you had taken, but this entire situation was really beginning to leave a horrible effect on yourself. You had to be a bit harsh to get things done.

Silent reigned for a moment, clock on the worn walls clicking away. ...How long had it been now?

"I have to go," You muttered, pushing your way past Cooking Cat with a gentle motion, "I promised I'd meet them in the forest by now."

"(Y/N)! Get back here-"

The door slammed shut behind you, and you ignored the yowling anger as you raced off across the grey brick paths of Mafia Town. Once the sounds faded off into the distance, you were certain you could slow down just a bit. Only a little.


"Well well, my eyes do see! (Y/N) has come after all," Shapeshifter coo'd, though a tad softer than you were used to from the being, "Come along then."

"You waited up for me?" You chuckled, "Sorry I made you wait so long..."

"Not to worry. I truly have all the time in the world."

You stifled a laugh as you followed the creature a bit further into the woods, away from any prying ears or eyes. Your eyes darted over the trees, taking in the dense foliage and treeline.

"Where are we going?" You questioned softly, having to jog to keep up with their stride.

"Not to worry, not too much further into the forest," Shapeshifter responded, humming softly, "Nothing to be afraid of."

"I'm not afraid, Shapeshifter," You rolled your eyes slightly, "You don't have to patronize me."

"Ah. I did not mean to do such," Their voice shifted slightly.

Leaves crunched underfoot in the forthcoming silence, allowing you to slouch your shoulders and just...pray this would all work. You needed a break from all this intense worry and stress.

A clearing slowly came into view from your leftmost side, causing your eyes to dart towards it as Shapeshifter motioned you ahead.

"So what---" You mumbled, "What am I supposed to do?"

"You," A paw prodded your nose, "Are to stay put."

"Stay put?" You questioned, "No, there has to be something I can do to help!"

"Stay put," They repeated, spinning in a small circle, "That's the best help you can offer."

You went to argue once more, but the words just fell apart in your throat. There really wasn't any other option that you knew, and causing any more issues while Snatcher was around--- 


"Not to worry, everything will be fine before you know it! Mark my words down!"

You couldn't help but smile at least  a little at the confidence and kindness from the immortal being. It brought a little hope to you.

"...How does this all even work, anyways?" You hummed in thought, "How do you---get up there?"

You glanced up at the stars above, wondering if Moon was looking down at you as well right now.

"Well! You see," Shapeshifter spun in another tight circle, "I'm not entirely certain. I think if I use the same spell I have always used to get into places mortals aren't allowed in..."

Your heart dropped a little. They didn't actually know?

"And what if that---"

"Then I'll simply find a new way in!"

You sighed softly. At least they seemed as determined as you were, in the end.


No! What were you doing back in the forest? Moonjumper shook his head, hands pressed against the barrier of the horizon. He mouthed a 'no' or two, directed at you. Go home! If Snatcher saw you now---

The ghost sighed, curling up a little. You weren't going anywhere, you were far too stubborn. All this, for his sake? What a fine mess he had made. Undeserving of this amount of care.

Wasn't he? For the first time since he had arrived, Moonjumper doubted the statement just a little. Surely, if someone---....multiple someones at that--- were so determined to get him back...

Perhaps he was deserving of it, just a little.

Just a little, right?

Though, as the phantom watched Shapeshifter's display below, he grew a little distrusting of this working. The multicolored fires were beautiful, and the strange languages long forgotten....Interesting. But he failed to see how this could lead to anything good, yet alone anything at all.

He'd give it time.

In the meanwhile, up there in the Horizon, the ghost had done a lot of thinking. Of course he had, the mind was nothing but a bunch of complex thoughts, all strung together. Intricate, delicate...Sometimes dark and rugged as well.

She had entered his thoughts more than once. The Queen. It sent a nervous shiver down his spine to even unconsciously bring her real name to the forefront of his mind. No, it wasn't really her he was thinking of anymore. Moreso, what influence he had of him. His time, his mannerisms, his voice. ...His palm rubbed his throat nervously. Many times he had been chastised for speaking out of line.

The contrast between his life once he left The Horizon and his life then...Being able to willingly choose, to have a---metaphorical at least--- voice again was...Unheard of. But it had been provided.

And for the first time back then, he thought that  perhaps she had been wrong. That it hadn't been normal to be so afraid of someone so close.

Moonjumper sighed softly. Perhaps. Perhaps he was not the burden he assumed himself to be.

Maybe, he deserved to come home.

And when a thunderous noise shook through the entire Horizon, and his eyes met with many pairs of others in various colors, a shine of optimism showed.

Yes. He deserved to be home.

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