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Moonjumper flinched slightly when The Shapeshifter begun to bound around The Horizon, twisting and shoving the dense clouds away from the barrier. He frowned lightly as more of Subcon came into his vision. How was this supposed to help?

"You see my friend," the being pointed downwards towards the earth, "half of this is going to be up to you! What would you say anchors you to the mortal plane?"

The ghost tensed, trying to think of what exactly the words spoken even meant. He had heard this before, back when Shapeshifter was down on the earth. Anchor himself.

"I know, that doesn't make much sense," The being caught on slowly, "You have to believe you need to go back. Afterlives aren't so keen on letting souls out, you know. What are you going back for?"

What are you going back for? The question rang a little in Moonjumper's head. He was going back to you. To his friends.


For a second chance to be happy.

Unfinished business.

That was why.

With a grip to the creature's shoulder, the ghost gently shook them, a silent question as to what he's supposed to do now. What now? How does he get down? He has his reasonings. He's ready to leave.

"I see,  I see," Shapeshifter chuckled, "I know you are eager. But you must calm down. We're going to focus our magics, tied in with our anchors, yes?"


It had gotten extremely quiet. Your eyes continued to scan the skyline, the colorful flame, the surrounding area. How long was this going to take? Was he still stuck? Was Shapeshifter alright as well? Your fears only grew a little more.

"Kid, relax," Chester mumbled from your side, "You've been way too tense."

"Ugh---" You sighed, letting your shoulders drop softly, "I know. I just hope they're both ok."

"They will be!"

"How do you know that?"

"Well! I'm just trying to make you feel better you know, kid?"

...You sighed softly, "Sorry. Thank you."

The stars twinkled overhead, and you swore you heard something high above. Clinking like glassware, softly. Sharply. You inhaled. 

Something was happening.


"Ah! See, see," Shapeshifter squealed, stepping about the brittle, strange aura of the horizon, "It is working! Think clearly now. We're getting you home, my friend."


Ah.  What a word. Its meaning often had been stripped away for Moonjumper, conglomerating into a meaningless thing. 

Back then, it had been Vanessa whom had been his home. His everything. She was the light in his heart, and by god...the death of himself  figuratively and eventually, quite literally. Everything she was, he wanted to be by.

Then, Subcon had become his home. His everything. The protector, the carer, living only for the poor souls whom were taken too soon. Torn from their lives over a queen gone awry. That was home.

The Horizon had never been home, but the word by then was lacking feeling. Therefore it was home in the most basic of terms. Where he lived. Where he painfully watched the world forget and move past him, past their once loved lives. Everything that once was dissipated. Moonjumper knew he was not ready to let go of such.

And you. By god, he loved you. He wanted to be back with you.

But he knew now. Home. That was something he would have to make out of himself. Not rely it in someone else. You. You were a vital part of his home. But you were not the only thing.

The former prince shut his  eyes in a sigh. Cruel  charades life had handed out. Cursed him in these horrid ways. It was time  to leave it behind.

Focus. Breathe. Just like the large being beside himself had explained.

"It's time to let go of what holds you down my friend."

And as his blue fingertips met the barrier, something shattered.


Chester had long since fallen asleep, tucked away at your side as your palm gently rubbed his head. It almost felt like having a younger sibling, though you knew- and Chester was sure to remind you- that he was quite a bit older than you. It was still at least a bit more calming for the nerve racking ordeal that was having two people you had come to care about up there in the endless horizon.

Hope was dwindling in your form, slowly but surely-- 

Until the colorful flame began to grow, from a small ember towards a towering, roaring flame that whipped up the wind around you, flicking your hair around in a frenzy. Your mouth opened in shock, wishing to call out or question just what was happening, but you found no words coming out, only a dull squeaking noise.

The colors slowly faded to white, forming a familiar shape that then flashed into the same colors you recognized as the Shapeshifter. A breath caught in  your throat in anticipation as the creature's eyes opened, glancing up to the sky.

"Did---Did you get him?" You barely whispered out, watching Chester rub at his face in confusion from the commotion.

"Just wait, my dear."

Before you could question, a form suddenly careened from the sky rapidly, faster, faster---

And just before it could hit the ground, two black paws caught the unconscious figure in a resounding thudding noise, causing you to flinch back from the force, squinting your eyes shut in worry.

"Ah...Teleportation magic takes so much out of you spirits, does it not?" Shapeshifter's voice was soft, "...You are unhurt at least."

Moving your arms enough to glance forwards, a slightly tattered red coat was all you needed for confirmation.

Moon was back.

(AYYY boy is back...How's he gonna respond to that when he's awake again huh.)

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