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The snow had passed, out into the normal leaf-ridden forest floor of Subcon's usual aesthetic. Shapeshifter paused their movement for a moment, allowing you to hop off their back to walk on your own. You stretched the lingering soreness from your limbs, giving a sigh as you moved to shake Chester awake.

"Hey, get up," You stated, "We're out of the snow."

"Ugh," The doll waved his arm about, attempting to shoo you away, "Five more minutes, kid..."

"Nope! There are no more minutes available! The Shapeshifter Express ends here!" The large being chirped, unceremoniously dropping the subconite once more.

 "Ow! Hey! This is abuse!" Chester whined, pushing himself up and scurrying after you both as you begun to follow the being through the woods, "Wait up will you?"

"So, you are planning to head home after all of this?" Shapeshifter spoke up, "What of your missing friend?"

"I...I don't know," You admitted, "I'll come back with a search party or something. I...I kind of jumped into this without thinking."

"I'll say!" The subconite managed to catch up beside you, "You even have another friend coming to look for you!"

Oh god. That was right, CC...She surely wouldn't just let you wander about here for days without coming up with some sort of scheme.

"I almost forgot," You exclaimed, "I'll have to find her before she gets lost!"

"Many lost travelers these days," A strange look was in Shapeshifter's eyes, "Many unfortunate souls out lost in the lands."

Their ears drooped low, as if in some sort of thought. It was odd to see...Well not that anything about them had been normal to you to begin with.

"Hey," You tapped their side, "Are you alright?"

"Hm. Yes. I am alright," Their demeanor shifted suddenly, "I suppose I was just lost in a memory! Memories...Such funny little things aren't they?"

That was a statement you found yourself able to agree with. Getting lost in a thought or memory was easy enough.

Much like you had been lately, you figured.

"Um guys?" Chester spoke up, gaining your and your guide's attention, "What's that?"

Your head turned in the direction the doll had pointed to, eyes widening as you saw the object in question. It was moving fast, incredibly fast. Bright red, almost flicking with an enraged spark of magic.

You wanted to shout, but you could only jump out of the path of the scarlet blur, rolling across the dirt as it spiraled past you. Your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest as the thing's movement brought with it a snap of wind that rustled the leaves.

Just what was going on?

You flinched once more at the loud, echoing thud that came shortly after. It felt like the entire forest could've heard the sound. Slowly rising to your feet, you glanced to see what exactly the situation was.

Caught in the Shapeshifter's massive paws was a bundle of bright red strings.

...You gasped audibly, scurrying forwards towards them both. Moonjumper? What was he doing? Where was he?

"Kid! Back up!" Chester gripped your jacket, attempting to pull you back, "This is dangerous!"

"That- " Your words were cut off as the bundle squirmed, twisting rapidly akin to a drill. You blinked, watching their attempt to attack Shapeshifter in confusion.

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