--Home Sweet Home--

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Your cluttered old home had never felt more comfortable than in that moment. Your body fell into the soft cushions of your couch, sighing heavily as you gazed up at the ceiling for a moment, taking in the soreness all the travel and near-freezing-to-death had done to your body. With an arm strewn over your head, you motioned back  towards your room with a mumble.

"Your notepad is on my nightstand..."

The flap of the ghost's coat-tails alerted you to his movements, more than likely excited to finally communicate again after such an experience.

Meanwhile, you were just glad to be back. Away from all the trouble that was plaguing you.

Away from the worry that you'd never see Moon again.

As you stretched out, a pad of paper was shoved in your face, causing you to yelp and leap up a little from surprise.


You blinked as you looked down to read the rest.

'Why is this place such a mess?!'

You paused for a moment as the paper retracted, allowing you to see a slightly disgruntled Moonjumper, a hand placed on his hip with his head tilted to one side.


Then you laughed, crumpling in on yourself over the ridiculousness of the situation. After everything that had happened, the silly ghost was still more concerned for the state of the house  than himself. Your hands flew to your stomach, curling up in a fetal position as you laughed, tears forming from the lack of air.

And soon, you noticed, Moonjumper had let his notepad fall to the coffee table, serious look disappearing as he joined in your mirth, settling in beside you as you snorted. The ghost was mostly quiet in his own laughter, twitching and making barely any noise, but you recognized it well enough. He was very relieved to be back as well.

You gasped a little for air, slowly relaxing as two cold hands cupped your cheeks, rubbing the tears from the giggling fit off your face gently. ...It was comfortable. Calming.

And then, there was a frantic knock at the door, spooking the fragile phantom away as he leapt up and flitted behind one of the other armchairs, peaking over and out towards your front door. Ah. He'd have to get used to these sounds again.


"Oh darlin' I'm just so glad you're home!" CC practically wept, holding you tight in her arms, claws threatening to slice through your shirt, "And Moonjumper too-- gosh I've really missed you both!"

"Yeah," You mumbled, petting behind the feline's ear slightly, "I'm glad to be back too, CC...Sorry to have run off."

All at once, the sweet over-emotional feline pulled you to arms-length, glaring daggers directly at you.

"Y'all better be sorry! You ran off and left us with one note!"

"I know I know..."

"And just think of the worry you caused! What if y'all ended up in worse danger?"

You sighed, dipping your head in guilt.

"If I hadn't done anything then---"

Cooking Cat's ears flattened a little from the truth, tapping her foot lightly.

"Yeah, well..." She paused, "Next time ya wanna do something stupid, take us with you."

A giggle from Hat Kid caught both of your attentions, watching her and Moonjumper talk.

"I know, it's so cute that Snatcher has such a good friend!" She squealed, kicking her boots up on your couch, much to your chagrin.

"What're you goobers talking about over here?" You hummed, pushing the child out of your spot to sit down, glancing between the two.

"Oh! I was sneaking around before I got here and I heard from the subconites that Snatcher," She giggled, bringing her hands to her face, "Has another friend! Besides his contractually obligated bff that is, me!"

You snorted at her words, nodding your head softly, "Any idea who it is?"

"Well, maybe!" The alien shrugged, "Buuut, I didn't see them, so I don't know!"

You had a sneaking suspicion you had some idea what was going on in Subcon. Next time you saw a certain shapeshifting immortal, you'd be sure to bug them about it. More than likely moreso than they'd want, but that was alright. After all this? You were allowed to be a little bothersome.

A blue hand lingered over to your side, gently pulling you into the owner's red coat with a small, faint chuckle.

"Yeah," You smiled, "Love you too, Moon."

Your mind wandered a bit, lingering back to the question you kept wanting to ask. Was he alright? ...What was it like up there? Your eyes darted curiously to the ghost's face, noting the content look as he scribbled up another response to one of Hat Kid's gossiping questions or statements about the forest.

...You'd leave him be for now. No need to sour the moment, you figured, as your head settled comfortably against his shoulder.

"Y'know what?" Cooking Cat chirped from her armchair, "I think this calls for some cookies."

You grinned as Hat Kid bounded up, spinning in excitement as she yelled about what kinds she wanted. Things were finally at peace for now.

You hoped it'd stay like that.

(WOOF. Now all that's left is an Epilogue and then I can open up for oneshot requests for the cast here, or I can split that off into a general AHIT Oneshot request book. Up to you guys. v-v I'm always up for writing more with these goofs here.)

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