27. My Best Friend Gets a Guy

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A/N: The dedication for this chapter goes to Slim_Shady because TBBCM is freaking amazing and it really inspired me to try one of my own stories out on wattpad. Thank you so much, Hasti! You're an amazing author and I can only hope to be as good as you one day!

27. My Best Friend Gets a Guy

Allen had stayed out of my way for the past 2 days now, and I had absolutely no idea what to do. I'd mustered up the courage to talk to him a couple times, but every time I'd approached him, I would chicken out again.

"What are you going to do, Mar?" Riya asked, voicing aloud my inner conflict.

"I have no idea," I said with a sigh. "Anyway, so now that you're over Allen, we must find you someone else who's good enough for you, right?"

Riya grumbled and shook her head. "Please, no. You're not exactly the best Cupid I know," she replied, making me laugh. Every time I'd tried to set Riya up with a guy in the past, it had ended terribly. Either the guy wasn't interested in girls or super pervy or just plain weird.

"There has to be someone," I said, scanning the cafeteria for a good candidate. "How about Jacob? Or ooo, Howie. I'm thinking yes?"

Riya groaned. "No! Howie thinks I'm crazy and Jacob always sends me weird messages on Facebook. Can we just talk about something else?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Oh hey! The dance is in two days! Maybe some guy will ask you to the dance!"

"Or maybe not," Riya said rolling her eyes. "According to the school gossip, I'm a heartless jerk who tore Allen's heart into two."

"There has to be some awesome dude who doesn't believe that crap! And you know what they say: 'Any publicity is good publicity.' Who knows? Maybe that'll make you more desirable."

"If you say so," Riya said doubtfully, taking a huge bite from her sandwich.

"Unfortunately we're going to have to talk about this later, though, since lunch is almost over."

"Unfortunately," Riya repeated. She scoffed. "Anyway, we have Physics. Fun..."

I groaned and we paid for the food before leaving Firehouse Subs. Once we reached school, we quickly grabbed our stuff before rushing to Physics. We made it a minute before the bell rang.

"We are seriously awesome," I whispered to Riya, holding out a fist for her to pound.

"Dude, I know. Mrs. Lopez probably -"

Jason and Peter sat down at our table, and Riya and I looked at each other in surprise.

"Hey girls," Jason said with a smile. "Today is you two's lucky day."

"Clearly it isn't since we're sitting next to you," Riya said, rolling her eyes. I glanced at her in mock disapproval. Jason and Riya had a really weird love-hate relationship going on, but it was always entertaining so I was cool with it.

You'd think they would really like each other, but neither one of them ever made a move for the other so it was hard to tell how they really felt about each other. Jason would randomly sit at our table every month and flirt it up with Riya, but that was about as far as their relationship usually went.

"Aww, don't be like that, babe. I love you," he said with a pout.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't try to pull that one on me! I saw you flirting with Jenny over there two seconds ago!" Riya pretended to be hurt and I decided to put my two cents in.

"Yeah, Jason! Don't try to make a move on Ree! She knows the truth about you." I shook my head at him in mock sadness.

He sighed. "I'll change my ways for you, Riya. Just give me a chance."

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