16. Too Strong to Break Down

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16. Too Strong to Break Down

I cracked my eyes open, feeling disoriented and squeamish. I scanned the area around me, wondering where I was since I knew for a fact I wasn't in my bunk bed.

Last night's memories came rushing back to me, and my head started spinning.

I bolted straight up and made sure Riya and Allen were in the room. I stared at Riya who was still sleeping peacefully. Her mascara had smeared around her eyes and hair was totally disheveled. Her beautiful party dress was all wrinkled and messed up now.

Looking at Riya made me sad again so I looked away. My eyes fell on Allen who was currently sleeping in my bunk bed. His face looked worn out and utterly exhausted. Disappointment flooded me as I stared at the best friend who hadn't been there for me or Riya when we needed him most.

I glanced at the bunk bed above me, expecting Drew to be sleeping, too, but to my surprise, he wasn't there.

I walked into the bathroom and called out his name.

"Yeah?" he said, sticking his head out of a shower.

"Oh, nothing. I didn't know where you were so..."

Silence settled in, making a barrier between Drew and me. We both stared at each other wearily. The sight of him with his head sticking out of the shower was hilarious and I cracked a smile. He looked adorably confused and started laughing once he realized why I was laughing.

"Shhhh!" I hissed, gesturing to the main room. Drew shut up and looked away sheepishly. He stuck his head back inside the shower.

I instantly felt bad for laughing after last night's events. What was I going to do when my two best friends woke up?

"Drew?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah?" His voice came out a little muffled.

"Do you know what time it is by any chance?" We had to leave the school at 8 AM sharp no matter what, and we'd already gotten into enough trouble on this trip already.

"I think it's like 7:10sh. I think we should wake those two up."

I stood up and told him I was going to wake them up, rubbing my arms because of the cold.

Riya was just waking up when I entered the main room. Her eyebrows were furrowed. It seemed like she was trying to remember something.

"Good morning," I said, offering Riya a half-hearted smile, my heart sinking at the thought of telling her what happened yesterday. What she doesn't know won't kill her right?

Unfortunately I knew I wouldn't be able to hide anything from my best friend. I was going to have to tell her...before someone else did.

"Morning, Mar. Um...why am I still in my party dress?" she asked confusedly, staring down at her dress.

I didn't answer. I didn't know how to answer.

Drew walked out of the bathroom looking fresh and rosy. His face was unhappy, though, and he looked at me questioningly.

"Why don't you wake Allen up Drew? I think I'll take Riya on a ten minute walk," I said casually, trying not to freak Riya out.

Drew nodded.

"But we're about to go, right? I don't think there's time," Riya complained. Before I could reply, she fell over and groaned.

"What happened?" I asked, rushing over to help her back up.

"My head is killing me," she forced out, massaging her forehead.

I looked at Drew helplessly. He looked worried but didn't seem to know what to do.

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