"Parents break our hearts too"

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They tell us to obey our mothers & fathers,
That they love us like no other.
But no one will tell us about how their "love" can destroy us.
Turn us into shells of our former selves.

Mothers are meant to be tender & gentle.
I have seen mothers yell and beat their offspring.
Yanking their hands as their cries pierced the calm environment.
People stare at them, feeling pity for the kid.

I have seen fathers stumble into their homes drunk.
Bruising their homes, beating after beating.
Their kids ended up with no place to live in
And their mother vulnerable.

I have seen kids cry, beg and plead:
"Don't take me back, I want to live!"
Their souls in despair.
"Who's gonna love me if they can't?"

Their future's dimmed.
Their hearts are scarred.
Who will fix their broken hearts?
Who will help them heal from this trauma?

Her mother's boyfriend nearly raped her.
His father's girlfriend constantly beats him.
They are both begging for love & for freedom.

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