Goodbye Mr Blade

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This is the last cut,
I promised myself, Mr Blade.
I don't see the need to use you again.

My wrists bleed out for one last time
It was fun having you around
To distract me from my pain.

All the nights I spent
Crying and bleeding on the bathroom floor
Is coming to a beautiful end.

You were my friend and confidant
But you were also a soul-sucking parasite
Who took pleasure from my broken heart.

The stings you gave me may have hurt
But not more than the reality of life.
Yet I am planning on letting this go.

I used you as a coping mechanism
And it worked, yet temporarily.
I got tired of hiding my scars from my friends.

People noticed and asked me if I am okay.
I wanted to hear those words everyday.
You fueled my pain, and I am tired of giving in.

Thank you for being my friend
But it is time to let go.
I have outgrown you.

Goodbye Mr. Blade

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