"Don't Go!"

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I deem myself as worthless.
Filled to the brim with insecurities,
But still I beg you not to leave.
Although I feel as if I don't deserve this.

You are a refreshment in my dry life.
You feed me with love and affection
Something I rarely felt
A type of relationship I never had.


I can't believe a word of good you say
Regarding myself and my life.
Not because I don't trust you
But because I am only used to negativity.

Although we keep on arguing
And my dependence on you became a bit toxic
I ask of you, day by day
Please, don't leave me.

You are the one who holds me through darkness,
And pulls me into the brightest light.
That comforts me when I cry
And also smiles when I smile.

The world may be against me
But I want you in my corner.
To have and to hold
For rich and for poor
Until death do us part.

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