Sin With Me.

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Stars shine amongst the dark skies.
Let's dance underneath the moonlight.
The world is sleeping,
While we are sinning.

The alcohol is burning my little throat.
While we smoking weed, the cherry on top.
The hill looks over the entire city.
I see people hiding their sins in the darkness.

The sex lasts longer when the lights are off.
People cannot hear the sounds of pleasure,
As it is drained in the club music next door.
As the round ends, I start begging for more.

Pray for me
But sin with me.
The night is young
And we are having fun.

Life is better when you have privacy
And your secrets are hidden in the sheets.
Forbidden thoughts take over
And I want you to heed my calling.

Sin with me
All night baby
We will hide in the shadows
The cold won't get you when you are with me.

The fun starts when the sun sets
And the world is starting to sleep.
The demons creep
And the thieves wake up to steal.

The drugs settle in
Our minds are at a frenzy
And I don't mind going crazy
As long as you are here.

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