Forgive Me.

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Time & time again
I am betrayed
By people I call my friends
And people I call family.

I am vulnerable
And I am deemed as weak.
I let them hurt me
And I am not able to forgive.

So forgive me
If I hurt you back the same way you did
If I break your heart in ways I can't explain
I am not allowed to feel.

I close the door to future interactions
And possibilities of friendship.
Our paths have crossed
And shall cross no more.
You are in the past where you belong.
And I feel good about it.

Forgive me
For not forgiving you.
Unlike Christ,
I don't have mercy upon you.

I have hatred filling up my soul.
I hold grudges and it takes up it's toll.

But it's okay...

I don't need friends
Or people who will just take.
I won't allow my heart
To be put upon the spot again.

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