"I Am Dying"

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He screams from a distance.
Out of breath
Life draining from his face.

His body dragged behind a van
For miles and miles
The blood trail is a sign.

Two men in uniform
Climb out the van
And take his bloodied body in

And laugh.

How could they...
The protectors of our "community"
Drain his life like that?

He may have been a criminal
But he is a human with the right to live
They aren't the Lord, taking it away like that.

He succumbed to the torture he received.
He didn't have the strength needed...
To survive.

How could they...
The people who yearn justice
Commit such a horrific crime?

Murdering someone's son
Without a thought
About how they would scream and cry.

Who do we turn to for protection?
When our protectors became danger
They aren't worth dying for.

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