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The demon's feast.
It feeds off my pain, my past, my anguish, misery, despair.
Yet I have always pulled through.
Always did what I was supposed to do.

Depression ate me up since I was a child.
7 & I already knew how to fake smile.
I put it up every single time,
I have to show my face to the world.

What is love without hate?
What is pleasure without pain?
What is good without bad?
What is happiness without being sad?

Life drives us crazy, but it drove me mad.
To the brink of insanity, but aren't I glad?
I am breathing, living, not just surviving.
And life is also full of surprises.

Like I am here, writing pieces that I thought would never be told.
About the experiences I lived & saw.
My community haunted by poverty, gangsterism & drugs.
My family haunted by abuse, pain & lack of love.

Our generation suffers from their mistakes.
And we will learn not to do the same.
We deserve to be as happy as we can be.
We deserve to be a priority.

That word pulled me through the worst.
And made me want to become the best.
It made me realize I deserve love.
I thank the people who stayed,
For helping me rise up.

My vulnerability cannot be hidden.
But it's okay because it helped others.
I see now, that I am healing somehow.
People can't use my pain against me.
I don't fear it now.

I have gotten so far without giving up.
And I won't start now, no matter what.
I got people in my life that love me.
I don't deserve it, but I am thankful for it.

I am thankful for poetry.
Thankful for the words I haven't gotten to say,
But have written it on a page.
My blood is splattered over every word.
From my beating heart to yours.

(A piece dedicated to me, because only I know how strong I have been. Hopefully this piece relates to you too, because I know everyone has to be strong. Also, it's okay to be weak & vulnerable. Be vulnerable!)

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