Something New

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I'm walking out to meet Lola and Nicole back in the courtyard.. We were now done with classes for the day... Lola says can we go to the mall. Nicole says I'm broke but yeah we can. I laugh and we head to go get in blackberry... We hit 610 and we now on our way to the to Deerbrook Mall.. As soon as we get there, we walk pass some guys and I heard *Wait Brittany* I turned to my left and looked and it was Dee from my lab class. Well he started walking with us, and I introduced him to the girls. I hear Nicole tell Lola damn he fine..and he stops me and kinda pulls me away and was like Look you are really beautiful and I really want to get to know you outside of class and he says here's my number think about it and text me sometimes! I said alright cool.

*Dee' POV*

Brittany is gorgeous, she plays hard to get but I think she might just be the one for me! Hopefully I can get to her, and make her feel the same way about me like I'm starting to feel about her! Wow and all this started over asking her for a pen..

*Thoughts to Myself*
He gave me his number, I might use it, or I might not...I'll never know. But lawddd 🙌🙌 he is some kinda fine. He's about 6'2 Darkskin, pretty ass teeth, Low hair cut and dressed very well... & oh yeah he's also in the army! *pulls out my phone and saves his number under ArmyMan* I gotta have a name for everybody people so nosey these days!

Sooo we finally done shopping and Nicole says "I'm hungry" Lola says Me too! Can we hit up the food court before we go! I swear I do t realize how hungry I be until they mention it... So we go to the food court and we stop at Canes, Chipotle, & Five guys! While we sitting there eating I get a text from this unknown number..

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