The Arrival...

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We finally arrived, Mercy was about 30 minutes from me it was located in the downtown area of town of the medical center! The girls had to prepare me for the worst before I even got out the car! We walk into the hospitals main entrance and I look at the floor map of the hospital and notice that the ICU is on the sixth floor! So I get in the elevator and push the number six...

That ride seem like it was the longest one yet, it's so many thought rushing through my head it's crazy! The elevator finally stops and we exit off...and we make a right walking down this long hallway to come to some brown doors that clicked as soon as you pulled on them! I checked in at the nurses station on the left after coming through the door!

The nurse says "Mrs.Anderson we've been expecting you, but I am afraid to inform you that only one person in the room at a time" I turned and looked at the girls, and they said you know we not leaving you, we will be right here in the waiting room if you need us! I said okay thanks y'all....

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