Mind Blowing Aftermath

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After some mind blowing sex last night, I slept really good, I swear after the last few days I really needed that..it was really everythingggg & more!

*my thoughts damn I think I'm really feeling this guy like for real "my thoughts interrupted by my phone ringing"*

It's a unknown number but I picked up anyways! Hello! Hello is this Brittany Anderson? Yes this is she! May I ask who's speaking? Yes this is Commander Shane, I spoke with you a few days ago, about your fiancé! Oh yes sir now I remember, is everything okay?...

*by this time Lawrence is leaning on his elbow looking me in my face*

Well Mrs.Anderson I just wanted to let you know that your fiancé was back in the states and he is now located in mercy hospital, in the ICU! I gasp! Are you serious? Yes ma'am! I left all your information at the nurses station, just check in there and you'll be able to see him..

*tears start to form in my eyes* okay thank you Commander! My pleasure, Good day ma'am!

Lawrence asks is everything okay and I was in so much shock that I wasn't sure how to answer or respond or anything... I just got out the bed and head for the shower! *leaving Lawrence looking puzzled*

I turn the hot water on and brush my hair into a messy bun and climbed in, as soon as the water hit me the tears started falling from my eyes, I tried not to make any noise cause I knew Lawrence was still in the next room..I went into a deep thought

*I'm so confused, like the man I love is laying in a hospital bed in the intensive care unit and lord only knows how bad it might be! I have to go see him today, no matter what! "my thoughts are interrupted when I feel hands on my back my body instantly tenses up" I finished washing off and I climbed out..*

Lawrence yelled out baby what's wrong? I grabbed my phone texted in the group message to Lola & Nicole!

Me: Meet @ My house in 30 minutes.
Lola: okay girl. Everything okay?
Me: I'll explain
Lola: Nicole be ready I'll pick you up.
Nicole: Alright, I'm getting ready now!

It was a nice day out it was about 80 degrees with a clear sky. I just needed something quick and simple but cute.. I opened my closet and I pulled out a peach strapless dress...I went over to my draw and pulled out a strapless bra and put it on... *Lawrence was still in the shower* I slipped my dress on! I say at my dresser and fixed my eyebrows some not much..and I just straightened my messy bun up some!! And Ieft out the room!

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