The Big Announcement!

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Shortly after the nurse came in a cleaned Nicole up and handed her a little bag with her prenatals vitamins and her prescription to help with the nausea! We were off, She checked out and got here next appointment for 2 from today...the doctor says in 2 weeks she could find out the sext of the baby!!!

*running a few errands*

Now we are back at the house after running some errands and getting everything in order! Lola states we need to have a "come to Jesus meeting" *she pulls out her phone*

Group messages:
Al'lex, Tronn, DeMarkes, SweetV, BritBrat, Nicole and 2 more

Lola: We having a come to Jesus meeting @ Brittany house! @ 7:45. Don't be late!

Demarkes: I'll be there

Nicole: Wait What?

Lawrence: Oh Lord! About what?

Al'lex: Everything okay?

SweetV: Well I'm omw now!

Lola: Forreal y'all, everybody needs to be here.

*puts phone down*

Brittany, Nicole y'all come here for a second...says Lola Nicole walks straight in and said what's up with the come to Jesus meeting! Lola says you not hiding this anymore we are going to tell everybody your pregnant...

Wait what no! We can't! Not yet.. Why the hell not i said? Cause I'm not ready says Nicole! I said well do you think you'll be ready within the next 26 minutes cause everybody will be here by then, you can't hold this off any longer, your about to be 4 months! Hell you only have 5 left to plan everything!!

Nicole sighs and said your right...& plus the longer I wait the worst Al'lex might take it... Ohh shit Al'lex my poor baby is going to hate me! Nicole started crying! Lola says ohgotdamnnnnnn I can't take it with these hormones of yours! I laugh!!!

Everyone showed up and they're all sitting in the living room when we start walking down stairs! Nicole stands at mid-staircase and she says......

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