The Pregame

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We pull up at the mall, and we went dumb, we stopped in the Gucci store for some swimsuits, I mean hey our party so we gotta show out..

Lola picks out this all black two piece, swimsuit and it would look amazing on her.. Lola is a brown sugar color, she about 5,6 flat stomach, big booty, she looks amazing although she always say it something wrong with her body!

Nicole found a one piece with the back and the sides out with, it looked great on her. She was also a caramel color, with long hair, with dimples and her booty was slightly on fleek.

I finally found a swimsuit it was a one piece, with a v cut front.. Now me I wasn't the skinniest girl on the block but I wasn't the biggest either! I was the plum on and I loved it.. The swimsuit complimented my Double D's! It showed off my hips lovely and after a couple sessions with Dee, I started gettin a little booty...

We went any brought accessories, New shoes, the whole nine yards! After all the we stopped and got some wings and went back to the house. We took down and redid all our hair so we could be flawless. The girls stayed the night so we could set up and everything for the next day...we looked at the clock and it was now 3am. We finally got some shut eye!

It's now 2 o'clock and we are just getting up, some loud noise woke us up. I got up went in the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth.. And I walked down stairs and I saw Tronn Al'lex and This dude that looked familiar but I wasn't quite sure who it might have been just yet...then he turned around and said what up fam..Oh my gosh it was DeMarkes, we grew up together but lost touch after we graduated high school. It was really great to see him. Everything was set up wonderfully..Tronn comes in and says now just bring on the bad bitches...this truck pulls up and unload some cages but no ordinary cages, they were for people! Al'lex said we got cage dancers nshit... All of a sudden we heard two voices from behind that said we fuck it up then...Nicole & Lola finally woke up... The cage dancers started to show up.. & Tronn introduced the girls to us! Candy, Fire, Ice, SweetV... Wait SweetV 👀 I haven't seen her in so long it's crazy... When Lola seen her she jumped in her arms. She always said stripping was gon be her side hustle I guess she wasn't lying...she was nurse but stripped for fun and the extra cause on weekends...her daughter had grown up to be so beautiful. I swear I missed her I told her she had to stay after the party so we could run it...Tronn & Al'lex went to finish setting up. & shortly after everyone started to arrive. Me Lola & Nicole went too start getting ready.....

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