Spring Time

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After spending about 45 minutes in the shower with Dee..We quickly get out, and put some clothes on and go lay down in the bed...and fall asleep shortly after! we slept through the night and was awoken by those damn alarms. I did my normal, ignored all of the alarms before I finally got up. It was Thursday and I only had two classes and Friday started spring break..2 weeks of doing nothing! I got up It was nice outside, not hot and not too cold! I grabbed a navy blue sundress and some gold sandals I pin curled my hair. And jumped in the shower, real quick in and out. I dried off and slipped my dress on and sat a my dresser and fixed my eyebrows and edges cause you know they have to be on fleeeeek. I walked over to Dee he was still in the bed sleeping. I kissed his cheek and said see you later! *thoughts to myself* I must have really put it on him, he still sleep! I laughed to myself and grabbed my keys to my Jeep. And let both sunroofs back and enjoyed the nice spring breeze in between my hair...I reached for my phone and sent a text...

Me: Hey Y'all.. Where y'all at?
Nicole: I'm on campus looking for y'all.
Lola: I'm omw
Me: I'm omw. Be there in 5
*puts phone down*

Me & Lola pulled up at the same time and parked right next to each other... We hoped out, I looked at her for her to be dressed in a navy blue strapless sundress with some silver sandals, we walked up to meet Nicole! & She was dressed in just about the same thing! Her dress was just navy and white and she had gold sandals on too! Lola says well great minds think a like.. We have to take picture for the gram, sometimes today. Let's do it now! We had a few minutes to kill so we snapped it up real quick..and looked at the pictures, Nicole says yesss fuck it up then! I swear that's her favorite saying. So we walk up to class to find out it got cancelled for the day! Lola says good cause I ain't do that paper anyways! We laughed and said neither did we! So we went into the cafe just to kill time. We walked in and I ran right into Richard *thoughts to myself was damn..why today?*

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