Coming Up With A Solution

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We finally get back to my house! Me & Lola are sitting on one couch and Nicole is resting on the other, until she finally falls asleep. We started talking about this situation! And our conversations is interrupted because we notice that Nicole is crying in her sleep... Lola says our girl is going to be a mother & we are going to be Aunties/GodParents! I can see it now, spoiling him/her to death.. I agree with Lola like I'm pretty excited, I hope she's excited as we are!

Lola brings up to my attention, she can't stay in that house that she's in...Her dad will kill her! He's gonna put her out like he try's to put her out for everything else...Brittany I'm scared for her now! I have the perfect solution, we can move her in here! My moms never home, and I get lonely anyways! Lola replied with thats a great idea!

*My Phone Rings*

Me: Hello
Al'lex: Hey Sis! You at home?
Me: Yeah I'm here!
Al'lex: Cool I'm omw, be there in 15
Me: iight

*hangs up*

Yells out "Lola Lola Lola Lola" she replies what what what what? I said Al'lex is on his was over here he'll be here in 15.. Lola yells out oh shit gotdamn! What do you think we should do? I asked... NOTHING NOTHING AT ALL...Lola says! Okay we won't do nothing until we know for sure.

Al'lex arrives shortly after that and he comes straight over and kisses Nicole on her forehead, then asks us what's up? We both replied and say Not to much just chillin!

Al'lex says soooo since we out of school, what do we have planned for the summer? Another vacation? Or party! Like whatt?

*my thoughts exactly was forget vacations and parties, we gon be painting a nursery and buying baby clothes "Lola interrupted my thoughts by hitting my leg"*

I then replied to him, bro I don't know we just gon be on some go with the flow type shit this summer! He was like shidddd I'm down! Well I'll hit y'all up later, tell my baby I love her. I gotta go to work.

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