Getting Ready For TakeOff...

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*The Lady at the desk says boarding flight 128A to Miami, Now calling our first class members*

I looked around and said thats us, yes it was only right that we went first class..fawkyoumean? well we were now boarding the plane, and lawrence was holding my hand I heard my hone ringing and i picked up and it was Dee calling! He says "Hey Baby" i say umm hey, can i all you later im boarding my olane right now! He says okay thats fine, glad i coukd hear your voice for a second, have a safe flight. i love you baby! I said okay. yeah thanks.

*thoughts to myself i know i hould have done that but I mean I was forced into that situation at that giving moment...*

Lawrence says Bae who was that? I said a bill collector! (triflin i know) we finally sit down in our seats and imsiting by the window.. Lola & Mystery boy is sittimg to our left and Nicole & Al'lex are sitting behind them.. Everybody's all buckled in. *the flight attendant does her flight instructions & we are ready for take off*

* 5 hours & 5 minutes later*
We are here... The flight attendant says "Thank you for flying Delta Airlines we have safely arrived in Miami Florida, I hope you had a great flight...Enjoy your trip! But please stay seated until the pilot turns off the seatbelt light"

We are in the airport in Miami and we checked the flight board to see our flight is now boarding. We have exactly 8 minutes to get to the opposite side of the airport... Al'lex says y'all I gotta shit. I said well your gonna have to hold it he yells out " hold it? Mane hell nah" we speed walking damn near running through the airport...Al'lex is acting a complete ass he trips tryna get up on the escalator! & it's pissin Nicole off but she having a hard time not laughing cause he's a fool and a pure clown! We get to out gate and Al'lex yells out ohhhhh shit.........

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