Shit Happens....

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Soo we finally make it to the gate to board our plane and its a long line of people in front of us trying to board..well we waited patiently and to our left there was men's bathroom.

Al'lex quickly took off running in there and he sent us a group text saying:
Al'lex: Gotdamnnn I made it safely 👍
We all bust out laughing! And I text him back and said "hurry up nigga, we up next" so Al'lex rushes out the bathroom and Lawrence says damn Niggaa did you was your hands? Al'lex say a boy it ain't too lat for me to give you them jokes, so be cool. Well now we are officially boarding our next to last flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico!

We all get buckled in our seats and we hear the flight attendant on the speakers saying "thank you for flying delta airlines our trip is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes, please buckle your seatbelts and place all electronic devices off or on airplane mode & enjoy the flight" after that Lawrence looks over to me and says I'm really glad that I can spend the next week with you! I replied and said I'm glad you can too, this week is going to be amazing! He leans over and kissed me on my cheek and says I know I know, I can't wait...

*2 hours and 28 minutes later*

We are now off the plane but we still have our last connecting flight to the Virgin Islands! While we are waiting to board all we hear is whoaaaa what's good black people? We looked to the right to see Tronn ass... So he stands in line with us, he already look like he smoked about 30 blunts before he got here! Lola says nigga you always high and Tronn replies yeaaaaa I know...We boarded the plane and I'm completely over being on planes this is now our third one and I was just ready to lay least this flight only took 45 minutes! It didn't even take that long as soon as I got good and sleep we was landing, we walked into the terminal and say the sign that says welcome to the U.S Virgin Islands..

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