chapter three

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During the whole movie, you and Max are talking and commenting on what happens which is driving Harvey insane. At one point in the musical, you have to use the bathroom but you don't know where it is, of course; so you ask.

Sorry guys, but where's the bathroom? -you ask

Upstairs -Harvey replies

Okay, I'll be right back -you say running upstairs to be as quick as possible

When you go downstairs Max and Harvey are having like a sibling argument and because you don't want to be a problem, you thank them for the movie and the snacks and leave as fast as your feet let you.


The next morning, you wake up early because you have quite a lot of things to do in some errands to take care of. When you look at your phone, you see you have a message from someone you don't know or at least that you don't have added in the past.

unknown number

-hi, I'm max
-harvey gave me ur number
-i just wanted 2 apologize 4 my behaviour of yesterday, it wasn't really nice

When you find out the person who is texting you is Max, you add him and start ¡s talking to him.

-u don't have 2 apologize, it's alright.

-u want 2 go 4 some coffee later?

-sure! but I text u bc i have so much work today...

-k, np

After talking to Max the first like 15 minutes of your day, you see a message of you boss and that is the message you need to start working on the project you have between your hands which is not easy.

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