chapter ten

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Harvey and her girlfriend have talked, and they ahve decided it has been too long and that they want to tell the guys and you, about their relationship because they want to start making it public bit by bit. The plan they have is that Harvey will call Tom, Dobby and you to go to his house creating an excuse and going to pick his girlfriend up and arrive at his house when everyone is there confused.

Max is playing some video games, and after I arrive, he calls Dobby and Tom. He tells Max and you to wait for the guys there and that he has to go to do something very important, that he will be back in 15 minutes maximum.

You and Max are confused because you don't have any type of explanation of why are you there and Max doesn't understand why would Harvey invite the group if he had to leave.

When everyone is there, Harvey is at the other side of the door holding nervous his girlfriend's hand. They kiss and go into the house.

Guys! I want to introduce you to someone really special -Harvey says

Everyone turns around and sees Harvey with a stunning girl holding his hand.

Okay, who? -Tom says it as a  joke because everyone can assume is the pretty woman

Yeah! Who Harvey? -you ask continuing with the joke

I want you to meet my girlfriend Sarah -Harvey says hugging his girlfriend through the back

Hey guys! -Sarah says smiling nervous

Hii, nice to meet you -Tom says nicely

A pleasure! -Max continues

Hi -you start- I'm (yn), Harvey's friend, nice to meet you!! -you get up from the couch and hugs her very excited

Hrv, I didn't expect that coming -Max confesses- no offense Sarah

Its fine -the girl smiles

I think anyone thought of that, and I'm Dobby; nice to meet you Sarah -Dobby introduces himself after replying to what his frien just said

It's a pleasure to meet all of you guys! Harvey told me a thousand things of all of you! -Sarah finally says

Really? What did he told you? -you ask interested

I can't enumerate everything, but he told me you had a really big crush on Max and Max on you but that any of you wants to admit it -Sarah says and after seeing yours and Max's reactions she apologizes and acts like nothing was said even thought Max not you heard it perfectly -oh men!! What did I made!!! I'm so so sorry!!! I can't be more sorry!!!

Don't be afraid babe, someone had to told them someday -Harvey replies, comforting her girlfriend


After what Sarah unintentionally said and what Max replies, you feel awful so you run out of the house and start crying like the world is going to end.

A few hours after crying and watching your comfort shows and movies for the 100th time, someone rings the bell of your door and you kinda know who is it but you don't want to open it. Because he insists, you end up standing up and opening the door. Surprisingly for you, it was not MAx, it is Sarah and you invite her to come in.

Hi Sarah! what are you doing here??!!! -you ask her surprised

She starts explaining her reasoning to be there and everything that happened after you left, but because you don't want to know anything about Max, you just listen to the important parts. After the conversation, she leaves and you are alone in your living room, again. You start crying again until you fall asleep on the couch.

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