chapter four

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You and Max are meeting to grab some coffee at the place you talked to Harvey the day before. You are very excited because you think Max is very attractive and nice and you want to have a better first impression after the first impression at the movie the night before at his house.

You are ready around 4 pm and you text Max so he can prepare and go to take you because that is how you two decided to meet up. At one point, you are thinking he is not coming or something came up but you get a message from him saying he is outside. When you open the door you see him and start walking to the coffee shop.

Max looks incredibly happy and excited because he likes you more than he thinks but of course you don't know it. Because he is a gentleman, he asks you what do you want to order and he goes to pick it up while you sit on a table so you and Max can have a conversation sitting on a nice table drinking your guys' favourite coffee.

Mmh... yummmyyy!!!! -you say after sipping you coffee  a couple times

Good eh? -he asks

Yeah! -you reply

So, what were we talking about? -he asks to go back at the conversation you were having

The idea of treating all the people as people and not objects -you answer

True! well, ... -he continues talking, explaining his point of view and everything he has to say about the topic which is a lot.

Aound 8:40 you left the coffee shop and he takes you to your house, he goes to his; and you go to play with your dog because you have missed him a bit during the date you had with Max.

Finally for once in your life, you feel you belong somewhere. It's an amazing feeling. You can't explain it with words, but is so satisfying. You just feel I can be completely happy in a really place and where the people is so nice and generous.


Your mum calls you before going to bed and of course to take the call because you have to tell her everything that has been going on in your life.

Hi sweety! -she says

Hi mum, what's up? -you ask her

I'm at home alone, your father is on a work dinner and I was thinking "I'm gonna call her to know how is she doing" and that's exactly what i'm doing -she replies- the move was good?

yeah! I see mum. I'm really good, thanks for asking -you tell her- yes mum, I had some help of my new neighbors

Really?? Are they nice? -she asks intrigued

my neighbors?? Yeah! They are amazing. I went to take some coffee this afternoon with one of them -you tell her trying to sound like they are just nice neighbors and not like you like one of them.

That's awesome darling. I'm so happy for you -she says and you feel how she smiles when she does

I'm so happy too mum. Finally, I feel I belong somewhere -you say very excitedly

you really feel that?? -she asks surprised- okay sweety!

I have to go mum, but you can come with dad whenever you want! You're invited. -you tell her and hang up after saying goodbye to her and your dad. You clean your dishes from the past few days and go upstairs to finish the movie you got interrupted a few days before.

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