chapter eight

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Max and Harvey's mum, went to the hot tub while the guys were there to talk with them a bit and about the plans, they had for the next couple of months. Dobby and Tom left so they could talk without a problem or interruptions

I Sarah! how are you?? -Dobby asked before leaving

Hi guys! and I'm really good Dobby, thanks for asking -She replies smiling to the boy

We'll leave you alone Sarah, don't worry about us -Tom said after

It's fine guys, but thank you. I'll see you in a bit

Tom and Dobby went upstairs to take a shower while Tilly and Leo were fighting who wants to go first into the bathtub. After they showered, tom started playing the piano and dobby sat and listened. after a few songs, Harvey joined him singing nad Max with the guitar. They started a small show for the adults and they spent the rest of the night singing and having fun around the instruments.


After a long morning and the talk you had with the siblings before they left for their family meeting, you are incredibly tired, so you prepare some easy food and start watching "Julie and the Phantoms" on Netflix because you are really liking the show.

After a couple of episodes, you are doing some zapping on your TV and you see a Hugh Grant film is about to start, so you go for a quick walk with your dog before the movie starts, when you go back home you prepare some popcorn and you eat it while you see the film.

When you wake up the next morning, you are very stressed because you almost forgot a work meeting you had, and Max had to call you so you could wake up and be on time. You spent half the time on doing what you normally take 1h to do so you could be on time, and when you finished, your house is literally impeccable. You leave to get the train and arrive at the meeting right on time.

When the meeting finishes, you leave the building thinking you did incredibly well and that you convinced everyone in that room. While you make dinner that day, Max calls you to ask about how the meeting went. During the video call, all the friend group appears one by one at different points, and when Harvey appears the only thing he says is how good of a couple Max and I make and how cute we look. Max shouts to him that we are just friends which is right but you wish you were more than friends.

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