chapter thirteen

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You wake up in your room in Max's arms, the night before you two stayed very late talking and so instead of Max leaving, he stayed the night. He is sleeping only in some sports clothes you gave him but without a t-shirt, and you have a baby blue pijama.

When you open your eyes and see his face, he is smiling as well as you.

you look so pretty in the morning -he tells you and kisses your lips- let me go downstairs and make you some breakfast

it's fine, I can do that -you reply- and you should leave because your parents must be scared because you are not home

don't worry -he said- Harvey has probably explained the situation to them already

he did want us to be together uh -you laugh

you don't even know -he laughs

You and Max go downstairs to have breakfast, while you make some coffee and put your milk in the microwave, max makes some toasted croissants. You two have breakfast talking like never before, smiling and laughing between kisses and hugs.


When Max arrives home, he has to start filming the new episode of the podcast and before starting Harvey starts asking 100 questions for you to answer instead of replying, you ignore the questions until the podcast starts so he stops asking.

After the podcast, Max breaks the news to Harvey and the guys they start shouting and smiling because they have been dreaming of you and him being together for ages feel like, so they are incredibly excited and happy.

we have to celebrate this -Harvey says- and I have the perfect idea

What?? -dobby asks

We should do a come and dine with us episode -Harvey explains- but (yn) must come and be a team with Max

That actually not a bad idea -Tom says- you can do with Sarah -he points at Harvey- and so Dobby and I can be the third team

I like that too -Max replies- let me tell her the idea and when are we planning to do it so she can be ready. She loves to cook so I dont even know with what she would come -Max laughs while he texts you

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