chapter one

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All your things are in different boxes, some of them are in your new house and others in the van in front of the house.

You are trying to move all the boxes into the house as fast as you can, because you want to start doing stuff and start recording some videos for the YouTube channel really quickly.

Do you need help? -someone asks you behind you

Please, if it is not a problem... -you tell him politely

Of course not! What can I do? -he asked nicely

Could you take these two boxes? -you ask him pointing to the boxes you're referring to

Yeah! -he says

Thank you so much. Put them down on that room of there, I have to put this ones in a different room -you explain to the random guy who offered to hlwp you- I'll be here in a second

Okay, no problem -he replies walking to the room you just told him to put the boxes down

I'm (your name), it's a pleasure to meet you -you introduce yourself walking to the room where the3 guy is waiting for you

I'm Harvey, the pleasure is mine -he introduces- so...

So what? -you ask him confuse

I was just thinking if I can ask you something? -he asks nervous

Yeah! What do you want to know?? -you tell him

Why are you moving here, if it is not a problem for you to tell me -he finally says- normally people rather live in other places than here, Berkshire...

Of course not! Basically, and in a summary; I got a job on the Berkshire Chronicles and I have to move during the summer to be ready to start on September -you explain him moving your hands while you talk

So you are a journalist, that's so dope -he smiles

Thanks -you blushed and look down to the floor

Do you want something to eat? -you ask him remembering you are not being the best host

No, no. Actualmente. I should go now -he says walking out of your house

Okay -you say walking behind him showing him the way

I'll text you? -he asks you

I would love to know how you want to text me if you don't have my number or my instagram -you laugh at him

He asks for your number and instagram, you share it with him and he starts following you on your social media. You close the front door when he is a bit far from your house and strats unpacking and filming for the channel.


Harvey decided to wake up earlier than usual just to ilma tiktok scaring his twin brother waking him up. He has breakfast fisrt and after it, he walks up the stairs of his house to Max's room.

It's really early in the morning -Harvey says to his phone- I'm having breakfast and Max is still sleeping, so I think I can be a really good brother and wake him up shouting or something.... -he stops the video, opens the door and plays the video again.

MAAAX!!! MAAX!!! WAKE UP!!! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!! MAAAXXX!!! -he shouts to his brother- MAAX!!! WAKE UP!!

What??!!... What are you doing???... -Max asks him dizzy because he is half sleep

THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE MAX!! WAKE UP!!!! -Harvey shouts again

Wait? On fire??!!! -Max shouts jumping out of his comfortable bed

When he realizes that his borther pranked him, he goes back to sleep and Harvey goes ourt of the rooma nd finishes the tiktok. Harvey saves while he goes back to the first floor.

The rest of the morning passed really quickly between music related stuff, helping his mother with the chores and watching TV. Before he thought it's 3:25 pm. He is chilling at the living room and he sees someone is moving to the house next to his and he gets surprised because that house had been on sale for almost two yeras. He gets curious and goes to see what is happening.

A bit later, he is back at his house after helping you. Max asks him where has he been and he explains tohis borther everything he discovers that early afternoon.


After a couple hours you start getting hungry and go to your brand new kitchen to cook some food. You are watching the brand new episode from the show you are watching at the moment when a notification sounds on your phone. you get up from the chair to take the phione and see what that notification is.

Apparently someone you dont have addede texted you but you know it should be Harvey, the guy you talked to that exact morning. You talk to him while you finish eating and whasing the dishes and after a while you go to your office and start working on the first article that is going to be written in the newswpaper you just started working on when September begins.

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