chapter six

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You've been awake for more than an hour. You are still at the guys' house, but because you don't want to interrupt their sleep and wake them up, you take your dog and very carefully walk outside the house and go to yours because you need to start your productive day. you publish the video and continue with the day with some journalism work.

The night before was amazing and you start to feel like Max feels something for you which makes you very happy because you like him quite a lot and yesterday was simply perfect. Like a kids princess story.

Because you had a very long and busy day, you don't talk with the guys at all. In the afternoon, you are pretty tired of working so you decide to go to the city to take some fresh air and to do some sport at your favorite gym.


Max wakes up and when he goes down the stairs he doesn't see you, so he supposes you left earlier. Because Harvey is still asleep, he decides to give him back and fil some videos waking him up like he did a few weeks earlier.


First waking you up and second recording a tiktok -Max tell him laughing

You're crazy, you know that right? -he says changing t-shirts

Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not wet... -Max says laughing

haha, so funny... come here, come here -Harvey starts running around trying to hug Max

We should stop Max, were going to break something if we continue -Harvey start talking 10 minutes later

Okay, if you want to stop, we'll stop -you tell him tuning your phone down and walking down to the kitchen

15 minutes later Max enters to the living room with breakfast. Then he goes back to the kitchen to take the breakfast food to eat with the milk and while they are having breakfast, Max is doing some merchandise things and Harvey is responding important and fan e-mails.

Max, look at this message. It's from a fan called Cassie. She's from Germany and she's a really fan of ours. -Harvey tells Max at one point in the morning

We should go to Germany on one of the tours -Max replies- we should do a Europe tour or something

That's a very good idea, we have a work conference in a few hours. We should talk about that possibility -Harvey says to continue reading fan emails.


After a few hours at the gym, when you look at the clock and see the time (8:49 pm) you go to the coffee shop you went to with Max and order a coffee before going back home. When you arrive, you are cleaning your photos app and some other apps on your phone and you see the photos Max sent you from the night before.

Something that not a lot of people know is that you love beautiful landscapes and places, so that's why you decide to post some of those photos on your social media. Because the photographer was Max and you want to give credit to him, you tag him, and not that much time after you see that there are so many comments on your photo about Max and why he took your pictures.

It can be crazy to have as many followers as the guys have and you think you are very lucky to have the followers you have and to don't have the pressure of what things to post or what not.

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