chapter twelve

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Christmas time is coming. The time when everyone works together to make a better day for the rest of the people, the time of the year when everyone sings and decorates their houses and the streets to make the cities and the countries look better. Max and Harvey are receiving an incredibly big amount of messages from their fans and they are very very happy because they just love their fans and the support they get from them.

Because of your problems with Max, you have been talking more with Harvey and Dobby. They have told you the plans they have for Christmas and you are very happy because in theory there is no type of way you are going to run into Max or see him at all during the Christmas holidays.

What they have to you as well as how bad and guilty and sad he feels but you don't really care that much because he did hurt you badly. Harvey has told you that they are about to realize a new song for Christmas time, for a moment you considered talking to him on the day of the realize so you can congratulate him, but after thinking a lot and overthinking at times, it is better if you don't say anything because you know that conversation will hurt you even more.


It is the day after Christmas when something you were not expecting happened. You had a great Christmas, the guys realized the song and you heard it a few times because it is actually very very good. You were with your dog watching a Christmas film on the TV and almost at the end of the film someone rang the bell at the door and you got scared because you were not expecting anyone and you don't know who the hell could be.

You decide to go and see how it is when you open the door you see is Max. You are very awkward because you don't know what to say, but instead of you talking, is him who starts the conversation.

I know you don't want to see me or talk to me. -Max starts- Harvey has told me what you felt the day i screw this friendship up, and it was also Harvey the one who convinced me to come and talk to you. I hope you don't mind listening to what I have to say

Well, you did hurt me with what you said, and i wish you were not here now -you tell him- no offence, but because you are here, please come in and tell me whatever you have to tell me, it must be important if you cant wait until the end of Christmas holidays.

Yes, it is incredibly important actually. -he says coming in and going to the backyard to a swing you have there- So, this is gonna sound a lot like something the guy would say in a romance film set in Christmas but I still have to tell you

Okay then, spill  it out -you say standing in front of him- I'm waiting

I know we've been aside for almost 3 months and I have to say and to admit that these 3 past months had been the worst ever. I was really sad and I missed you every single day. I know this is turning really cheese and I know you hate cheese things but I don't really care now. -he starts his speech- I was stupid and totally in love when I said I didn't want to have on a relationship with you, because truthly it's what I want; you're the most amazing girl I've ever seen; my friends love you and I know you have so much fun when we are all together, the point here is that maybe you would like to be my girlfriend if you want me to be your boyfriend...

You can't believe that was happening, because just what he said, looks like something the guy character would say in a romance film which is making you freak out because what you have been feeling the past months is also felt by the guy you like. You are speechless, you don't know what to say

Mhh... -you say- I am trying to be strong but I can so what I have to say is that I have also been like you for a while now, and I was overthinking if tell you or not because I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had, and to be honest, I wish a lot of times how would be like to be your girlfriend and I would like to find out, so I would like to be your girlfriend if you don't mind

And that's when instead of replying to you, he kisses you hugging you at the same time. The kiss was sweet and passionate but not heavy passionate. When the kiss finishes, you laugh and he laughs with you. You hug him again and after it, you just stay talking to Max who knows is your boyfriend about the new song and how much you like it.

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