chapter seven

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It's finally the weekend, you've been waiting for today for maybe the last 2 or 3 days, these past couple of weeks were totally life-changing between the new work, the YouTube channel, the meets you've had with the Mills brothers, and everything in between.

You have been working in England for two months already, and you still can't believe it. You are finally living your dreams after years and the time is passing incredibly fast for what you were expecting. Hopefully, that sensation is just temporary and you can relax soon. Because is the weekend, you can start doing projects for your youtube channel and it is very therapeutic for your anxiety and stress.

At 11:46 you wake up, put your slippers on and go downstairs to have breakfast. Because yesterday you have posted pictures on Instagram, you decide to go inside the app and reply to some comments. After that, you go to Twitter and reply to some tweets of people you follow, after all that time on social media, you decide to clean the kitchen and some other spaces in your house and you start working around 12:40pm.

After finishing your work for the day, you start editing your new youtube video and continue filming the next two videos, because the project is going to be very long, you decided to divide the video in two so they are more watchable. After a few hours, you have a dentists appointment and a pendant call with your parents.


The album Max and Harvey are working on is going great and they are almost finnished with recording it, they still hav to do promo and a few other stuff but the important stuff is already done.

Max is going through his phone cleaning the photos app when he gets to the photos he took of you the day of the castle. He is incredibly surprised of how fast the time passed and how much time he has spent with you. You and him became very close in just a matter of months.

Max and Harvey have a family day planned becuse their siblings Leo and Tilly have school soon and their parents want to have family day before they start school; and Max nad Harvey have to start promoting their new album and the tour they are planning to do as well. 

Tom and Dobby are also going to the family day becuas ehtir family already consider Tom and dobby like their adopted kids. The four of them are on the train with their headphones, listening to their favourite music and joking around. When they arrive, Max and Garvey's parents are already tehre, and is their grandmother who opens the door. They all say hii and go inside to help setting up the table for eating.

After lunch, the guys are gettting ready to get into the hot tub when Tom is asking Harvey why he and Max arrived at the train later than when they were supposed to and he is explainin the situation.

... you see -Harvey is explaining- that's when i called him simp and he started conjuring he was not

he totally is -Tom says laughing- he can conjure anything he wants, but he will over me a simp about her

I agree -Dobby says

STOP TALKING!!! -Max shouts from the bathroom- I AM NOT A SIMP!!

yes you are- Tom says when he comes back to the room

I am not!! -Max said- i just said he is very intelligent, pretty and she ahs an incredible taste in music, cinema and literature. She has very beautiful eyes and her style is jsut impecable. That's not being a simp, that is just appreciating the person I am friends with.


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