chapter two

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Harvey is changing clothes because he is meeting the guys and you. Dobby lives very close to you and Max so the plan is to meet Tom at the Harbor and go with you, Dobby and Max cycling.

On the way to the harbor, Max wants a coffee so, Dobby waits outside the local with the bikes while Max and Harvey enter to order.

Hello, good afternoon -Max says

Good afternoon, what do you want?? -the waiter asks nicely

A big solo coffee with extra ice -Max replies

Okay, in a few minutes you have it. What's your name? -the waiter asks finally

Max -he says

Perfect, it's £3'25 -the waiter requests

Sure -Max says and gives her the money

The girl goes to prepare the coffee and Harvey looks all around the space to see the people he sees you at a far table drinking coffee and working on something.

He walks up to you and says hi scaring you.

Hey stranger -He says on your back. You turn your head and replies

Hi, what are you doing around here? -you ask

Max wanted a coffee -Harvey explains

Oh! and the kid doesn't like coffee, right??? -you say laughing

Yeah!! exactly -he laughs

You start talking and saw how Max called Harvey and you have to finish our conversation as fast as possible.

Well, you should go -you say smiling

Yeaaaahh! BYEE -he says waving and walking away from you.


You leave the coffee shop an hour after your conversation with Harvey, and you hope you can actually meet Max soon. You are very tired to make dinner at home, so you order a Subway and start watching a Netflix movie to spend the night with your dog. In the middle of the movie, your phone rings and you stop the film so you can pick it up without missing what is going on in the screen of your TV.

Hi? Who is it?? -you ask

Hi stranger -Harvey replies

Oh! Hi coffee hater -you laugh

Yeah, yeah! Whatever... so, were at home bored -he explains-  we just arrived from the harbour and we are hungry

And your telling me this because?? -you ask confused

Because I was thinking if you want to come and watch a movie or something with us -He offers

mmh... -you say knowing he hates that- don't be sorry, I'm alone. Well, not alone; I have my dog. The thing is that I am already watching a film, but is okay, i can finish it another day. I can go to your house if you and Max is okay with it

Yes, of course -he says- i send you the location, we are waiting you here

Harvey hangs up, you change clothes and go to the location he has sent you to watch a movie at the twins house and just to have a fun night.


Hello? -max asks when he opens the door and sees me, someone, he doesn't know at his doorstep

Oh! Hi Max, you don't know me yet. I'm (yn), your new neighbor -you introduce yourself to him

Oh! okay... A pleasure -he says trying to be nice

You finally came!!! -Harvey shouts coming to the door, taking you by your arm and pulling you inside his house- welcome to our house

It's a beautiful place, a really big and stylish room. The color wall is white and all the furniture is matching the wall and the wood table. The rug is so cute too and the sofa seems so comfy as well as the color pillows.

Thanks for inviting me -you finally say when you arrive at the living room- so... what do you want to watch???

What about a horror movie? -Max suggests

Yeah! I love the horror movies -you reply surprised because you were not expecting that question

NO WAY!! NOO!!! -Harvey shouts being dramatic

the three of you end up watching a musical because the twins love them and Harvey did not want to agree on watching a horror movie.

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